Job interview


Good Afternoon,

I am new LPN and also new to the site, can anybody help me on how to prepare for a job interview?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Congratulations!! What exactly is it that you're needing help with? I just had my first LPN job interview last week & it went very well..I can try to help! :)

I mostly need help on the kind of questions I will be ask and if there will be any scenario questions.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Each interview is different. Try looking at the FAQ/sticky threads in the Nursing Interview Help forum here on AllNurses.

Specializes in Home health, Addictions, Detox, Psych and clinics..

They may ask this "Have you ever dealt with a difficult patient? What was difficult and how did you handle it?". "Give me an example of a time you went above and behind as an advocate for ur pt?".

There are plenty of topics on this site with interview help!

Nursing Interview Help

I've been on a few LVN interviews and I've been asked pretty much the same thing each time. Some that I can remember:

+Why do you wanna work here?

+Do you have experience doing this and that?

+Tell me about a time when a coworker was insuboordinate. What did you do?

+Would you rather work as a team or alone?

+What are your strengths and weaknesses?

+Give me adjectives to describe yourself

Along with scenario questions!

Hope I was helpful at all! Good luck to you!

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