job expenses to expect?


I am just starting my second career journey into nursing. I was an elementary school teacher for 11 years before I decided I needed to pursue nursing. I also had a lot of continuing job related expenses that really added up-every single year. What job expenses do you have as a nurse? How much equipment/supplies do you have to supply yourself? After reading some threads on scrubs, it appears they are much cheaper than having a professional wardrobe-and no dry cleaning! I know this may seem petty but I like to really have an idea of what I get to look forward to. Thanks!

Leaving, you should become a nursing teacher. There is such a need :coollook:

I don't have enough experience. But, if I make it through, I will definately consider it!

Thanks to all who responded! I am still finishing pre-reqs right now. Teaching, I prob. spent AT LEAST $200/month on classroom items alone, not counting dry cleaning, etc. That was just bulletin boards, books, supplies, snacks, materials for lessons, etc. And most was not tax deductible, since I didn't meet some minimum standard to itemize. Good to know what I've got down the road!

Specializes in Med Surg, ICU, home&pub health, pvt duty.
Thanks to all who responded! I am still finishing pre-reqs right now. Teaching, I prob. spent AT LEAST $200/month on classroom items alone, not counting dry cleaning, etc. That was just bulletin boards, books, supplies, snacks, materials for lessons, etc. And most was not tax deductible, since I didn't meet some minimum standard to itemize. Good to know what I've got down the road!

Keep your eye on the goal. Consider going for your masters; with a masters, you can teach in the classroom--something you are experiened with. Every nursing school needs good, exerienced teachers. Like nursing, teaching can be a passion. A nurse with teaching experience sounds like a win/win situation.:coollook:

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

Uniforms, shoes, stethoscope, pens (and you will find that you get picky about the kind of pen that you use) and that is about it. However, you will have to spend money for ongoing education and any courses that you take. If your state requires CE hourse for your license then you will need to keep up with your CE hours for that. License renewal fees. Also, you might want to join the professional organization for your speciality area (example: if you work in the ED join the Emergency Nurses Association). You may find that you have more expenses but you will be making more money. Also, it is important for you to keep up with your reading and your education because you can never stop learning in nursing.

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