Jeff State 2015 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Alabama


I plan on applying in May of 2015 for the Fall. I'm so nervous already. I am currently attending Lawson. I have two previous business degrees, so I don't have to start completely over. Right now, I just need to take my Anatomies to apply. I'm so nervous. Anyone else applying in May of 2015?

@wishmeluckk. How did you do on the Teas?

I am taking Microbiology this summer. I'm hoping it will help me with the waiting process of Jeff State.

Just finished taking the TEAS and got an 80%! Ugh, so happy that is done with, now I just have to keep my grades up and wait for them to put the application out. It's supposed to be available a the end of the month. SO EXCITED! :D

Congratulations! That's awesome.

Just wanted to let everyone know that the nursing applications are now available on the Jeff State website.

Ok, mailed my application off today. I'm already nervous, lol. I know they aren't looking at it until May, but shoot! I'm so glad I am still classes, hopefully it will make the time fly by.

So went today and turned my application in. Asked the advisor how many people they accept. She said at the Jefferson campus that they accept about 70 for the Fall. She said that the average number of applicants for the Fall semester is around 700. She also said that they will contact us by phone usually about two weeks after the deadline. So now the waiting begins. I told her that I will be applying with 200 points and she said that was a good number to be around. This next month and a half is going to take forever.

I also asked what time clinicals began in the morning and she said they start around 8. She said that they understand that the majority of students are women with kids and that this allows their students to be able to get their kids to daycare or school. This is also true she said for lecture. She said that on lecture days that they try and get done before 3:00 so you can pick them up from school. I think this says a lot about the program for taking this into consideration. I am also applying to Shelton and the advisor said that their clinicals start at 6:30. That's going to be tough since I will have to drop my kids off at daycare and school at 6:00 (since they open at that time) and book it to clinicals. Shelton was going to be my number one pick but the more I think about it I think Jeff State is now my number one pick.

Does any one know when they will send out acceptance letter? I applied to bevil as well and I have heard they will be sending theirs out next week? í ½í¸

Hi Mlmcclain! Which Bevill campus did you apply to?

The sumiton campus

Another week down! Hopefully NEXT week is the week. I've ready previous post, and they seem to start emailing people around mid-June (which is NEXT WEEK). So I'm good with that. Also, seeing that no news is good news. Apparently, the denial letters go out first. So I'm good with not knowing yet. We're getting closer!

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