Jeff State 2011 Fall Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Alabama


any Jeff State Fall 2011 hopefuls out there??

I am taking the TEAS V Wednesday, so then I will know how many points I have!!! :)

Thanks mistyandbenjamin for providing that wonderful link!! It is a wonderful website and a great resource that I will refer to often. I'm so grateful for the kind student for taking the time to create it and to you for sharing it with us all. Thank you:)

Thanks as well mistyandbenjamin... The website is great.. Also being that you are in your 5th semester and will be graduating soon do you have any advice for us new comers? Thanks so much

does anyone know which semester we start clinicals?

I think they start sometime in the fall qtr. ( At Wallace they start in October). But not sure about the date for Jeff State. I sure do wish they would mail out acceptance letters. :uhoh3: This waiting is no fun :confused:

the waiting sucks big time. i'm sure every other school has sent out their letters. This is tourture,... trying to keep your mind off of it just doesn't work because it always drift back to it

Well, I received my acceptance letter today to Shelton State!!! I'm going to accept since I live in Tuscaloosa, and this will be a much shorter drive. Best of luck to all of y'all, you will be in my prayers! I am going to email the nursing dept at Jeff state tomorrow and let them know I have accepted at another school so I don't take someone else's spot if by chance I got on.

Teejazzy2 you are right, this waiting is torture! And I think every school has sent out their letters!

Lpr0711 Congratulations on your acceptance to Shelton State!!!:yeah:Good Luck!!!!!!!!!

I have seen some of you posting about the CPR class at the Hoover FD and I have a question. I saw it online and I called to schedule and the guy that answered the phone said that there is a place to schedule online. I didn't see anything anywhere. Do you call or am I overlooking something? Thanks in advance!

try that link for took me forever to find the link!!! They need to make it more visible!! You fill out the form and have to wait to receive a email back from can take them a week to email you back...and register asap...they book up FAST!!!

***and yes...I bet every other school in the world has already sent out their acceptance letters!!!!!!!!!!!!!***

I feel like I can't plan anything until we find out!!!

So...if I get in...I will be the one in class with only a few hairs left!!

Congrats lpr0711... That's great news.. Good luck...

Does anybody know if we're using the same books as last semester's or if they might be changing any of them out for first term?

I was going to purchase them from a former student but would like more info if anyone has any!

not sure about the books. i checked jeff state book store website and the books for fall 2011 nursing are not listed yet

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