Jeff State 2011 Fall Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Alabama


any Jeff State Fall 2011 hopefuls out there??

I am taking the TEAS V Wednesday, so then I will know how many points I have!!! :)

Stay encouraged your guys.. Hopefully we will know something soon...

looks like another day is going by...with no word!:confused:

Trying to be patient..... But still no letters. I hope we get them this week!!!!!!!! :uhoh3:

nothing here either :-(

I keep seeing everyone at Shelton State posting they received their letters and their deadline was June 1. I got in at Wallace but I really want to go to Jeff State since that is where I have taken all my pre- reqs plus it is closer and I will still have to work part time. I am just growing impatient I think.............:smackingf

wow.. Shelton State found out within 3 weeks... Since last year the Fall hopefuls found out around July 7 or 8th, hopefully we will hear something within the next week. I'm thinking it's gotta be soon since school starts in August and we have to have time to complete our shots and order uniforms.

I feel like they already know who is in...but they are just torturing us!!!!!!! This uncertainty is driving me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

Well, I don't think we will be getting letters...when they start running behind like this, most people find out when they call the advisors or the advisors call them. Next week should be the absolute latest, I would think.

I have emailed 2 advisors and they both said they do not know yet, but it should be soon! and one of those replies was from today........:confused:

so I just called to ask when nursing orientation is and they said, they do not have it set up call back next week! uuuugggghhhhh..................:barf02:

This sucks big time.... all my eggs in one basket with an unknown delivery date.

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