Jeff State 2011 Fall Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Alabama


any Jeff State Fall 2011 hopefuls out there??

I am taking the TEAS V Wednesday, so then I will know how many points I have!!! :)

guys....go look on your pipeline...and see if your major has changed....that is a good sign!!!

That is what I did!!!

@tvmoore5....see I told you!!! Ok, since mine has changed to has given me a little hope that I might have got in :confused: All of the other semesters stated pre-nursing. Now it states LPN. Ugh.....soon, soon....HOPEFULLY!!! So excited for everyone. The suspense is over.....ALMOST! LOL

Hey folks! I got in to the Night and Weekend program!! I had 210.5 points. I am SO excited!!! I can't wait till orientation!!! I hope to see some of you folks there! :nurse:

COngrats you guys.. I am so excited.... I can't wait to start.. I've been smiling non stop since i found out....

yes.. my major has changed on pipeline to AAS (RN)

My major has also changed... I feel so "official"! ;)


thanks!!!! I think if it changed you got in!!!! maybe it won't be much longer!!

Mine says AAS RN now!

Has anyone heard anything about LPN program? I emailed Ms. Johnson and she told me to contact the nursing dept and then they told me they would contact me anywhere from today until next week. Ugh!

Hey guys I have not got a call yet but I checked my pipeline and status has changed from pre nursing to AAS Nursing RN. So I hope that means I got in . Just waiting for the call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nurse:

Yes she told me I got in to lpn not rn the cut off was 185 and I had a 180. But I am optimistic she said I could call and accept my spot but I haven't been able to answer so I will just wait. She also said it's at the Jefferson campus. Looks like we will be in class together! No clue of anything else

@Paige1188....when did they call you? I spoke with one lady and she didn't have me on her list but told me that there are others lists out there and she took down my name and number. I am glad that it is at the Jeff Co campus.....but I am starting to question if I even got in. UGH!

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