J Sargeant Reynolds Spring 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


The deadline for the application is a couple of days away, so I figured I would start a thread for those applying. I did a last minute retake of the Kaplan today to try and boost my Science before applying and managed to get my score from 55 to 80, for an overall of 89. Just sent in my application and am anxiously waiting to hear back.

Most schools don't announce acceptance until monday. So HOPEFULLY we'll here back by then.

It's the 28th- has anyone heard anything yet?

I am about to have a heart attack! ='(

Just got the email... I got in!!!

I did too!!! Congrats!!!!!!

Accepted! But I've already decided to attend somewhere else. I hope someone else gets this spot and congrats to everyone!

Specializes in Peds, Cardiac, PACU.

Hey everyone! I am Maggie and I just got accepted and will be attending for the Spring of 2019!

I got in! I'm so happy we actually got the chance! Congrats!

Congratulations everyone... I got in too!

I got in too!! I'm so excited to meet all of yall :)

I was accepted too! Congrats to everyone. And if you didn't get in, don't sweat it, there is always next semester.

Has anyone heard anything about the orientation session or been contacted by the coordinator yet? Kind of worried that we only have 2 months till classes start

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