I've Had it! *Long*

Nurses General Nursing


I've posted about my issues with work before but for those who don't know, I've been working on a medical tele unit since I graduated about 10 months ago and the past few months work has gone down hill, short staffing, constant politics, impossible patients and families, unsupportive administration have taken their toll on me. I worked all weekend and I barely made it through, each day on my way home I cried from the frustration.:banghead::banghead:

I no longer feel like a good nurse, I feel more like an indentured servant. I have been miserable for a while but have tried to stay for various reasons, several of my co-workers are wonderful and I've become good friends with them, my family and friends have pressured me to stay at the hospital while I'm in school. They have the attitude that if I don't work in a hospital setting than I'm "not a nurse" :uhoh3:

I simply can't take it anymore, I love nursing, but I hate my job, I've applied at a state psychiatric facility because I've always loved psych and have been interested in it for quite a while, I've also applied at psych unit at a nearby medical hospital, and finally I've applied for a position at a reputable assisted living facility. The job I'm really wanting is at the state psych facility but who knows whether or not they'll want me.

A big part of me does feel like a failure for wanting to leave the hospital, anymore I just feel like a horrible nurse, I try my best but it's never enough.:( Oh well, hopefully one of the places I've applied at will take some interest in hiring me. Thanks for letting me vent, sorry for the long post :(

Specializes in Nursery, L&D, PICU, SICU.

It's good to know that I am not the only person who is hating their current job. It's also very sad that there are so many nurses out there who feel this way. I still have love for nursing but my current job is sucking the life out of me. I tried to talk myself into staying because it was a new area for me and would get better with time. It has been a few months and I regret not running in the beginning when my gut said go. I have recently applied for a new position because I feel that my job should not decrease my quality of life and I encourage others who are in a miserable situation to explore other options as well. Good luck!

Specializes in CNA, Surgical, Pediatrics, SDS, ER.

I'm sorry that you do not like your job. You have done the right thing by applying to new areas. Even if you have not been a nurse for a full year that is no reason to stick it out in unfit working conditions. Shadowing is not an odd request to make to an employer, this will give you a feel for what those nurses do and then you can decide if that is what will be right for you. Follow your heart it usually leads you to where you need to be. Best of luck to you.

Specializes in Onco, palliative care, PCU, HH, hospice.

Just an update, I have an interview next week for a night shift position at the assisted living facility I was talking about. I also called the state hospital about the position I applied for to tell them I was really interested in it and they said they were going to start calling people for interviews within the next two weeks. I hope I'm making the right choice by leaving, still am unsure of my decision for some reason. Thank you all for your replies and supportive words!

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