Published Nov 21, 2017
177 Posts
How does it work if something bad happens while someone is covering for your break? You're clocked out on lunch or on a paid 15min break and your pt crashes. Usually a quick report is given, but there is no official transfer of assignment or anything.
Any one have an idea?
Here.I.Stand, BSN, RN
5,047 Posts
For routine things, e.g. pt needs a prn for pain or BP, needs drip titrating, vomits etc. the covering nurse takes care of it. If it's an emergency, I will leave the breakroom to come back to the pt. BUT, according to the DOL, a bona fide meal break is an **uninterrupted** 30 minutes. If it's interrupted, it isn't a break, so I log that I didn't get a break and get paid for that 1/2 hr.
I'm finishing up at my current job and have been going to my car to listen to music and decompress. It's been really helpful for lowering my stress. But this is just a random thought I keep having leaving the building.
Also, how would this apply to pumping moms?
570 Posts
If you give report before a break that nurse has assumed care of your patient. If you are taking a bathroom break and you didn't give report you are responsible for that patient.
In our computer charting system the nurse covering adds their name as the patients nurse to show they accepted care. They unassign themselves when you return.
Check your hospital policies. Some hospitals don't allow you to leave the building.
seaofclouds21, BSN, RN
153 Posts
The nurse you gave report to is responsible. That being said, I've always seen the charge nurse jump in and help as well, especially when it comes to giving additional information in emergency situations.
If I'm on the unit during my break/lunch, I'll go back out and help. If I was on lunch, I make sure to complete the form saying I didn't get my full lunch so that I get paid for that time.