IV therapy and blood wihdrawl question


I was told I can take this during my last term as an LVN by someone. I am now mid last term and was wondering if this was indeed true. Can I take this or any other certifications before graduation / nclex?

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

yes you definitely can my school offered iv therapy and blood withdrawn certification to those who passed their HESI exam. it was only a one week course but we were there everyday for 8 hours! super fun and exciting when you actually can get the needle in the vein and see blood in the chamber! ask your school if they offer it if not ask if they know any place that does. ask around it looks good ono your resume

my school doesnt offer the couse, how would I go about taking it while still in my final term?

Specializes in LTC, SNF, Rehab.

So, IV therapy isn't included in your program? We haven't learned blood draws, but we do IV therapy. We would need to take the phlebotomy program to learn blood draws, I think. I actually have an IV piggyback lab next week.

correct, our school doesn't do the IV therapy, it is a separate certification out here in CA, that some schools don't do and you have to go pay $200 to take elsewhere.

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

well if you are willing to pay the $200 i highly suggest that you do it! it'll make your resume look that much better. If you can find maybe another school out there that offers it maybe you can talk to the nursing manager there and see if you can work with them while they do it, and your costs may be less. Ask around im sure you'll find something. Also look to see if they offer both the IV therapy and blood withdrawal.

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