Published Apr 2, 2010
18 Posts
Hi, I need some advice. I currently work in a crazy/busy oncology unit. I graduated last july of 09. I have been there about 9 months. I dont' really feel that it's a safe place to practice nursing. I see a lot of unsafe practices done. In addition commuting there can take me about 45 minutes or more depending on traffic. That unit is so busy that I rarely have time for a break let alone a lunch break. Most of the time I don't eat so I have lost 20 lbs since I started working there. I have been trying to get out of there. So I recently got 2 job offers. First one a hosptial that is 15 minutes away from my house and it's offering me a postion in a acute rehab unit. Second one is in the hospital where I am currently working but as an IV therapist. I dont' know which to choose??? Any suggestions I would really appreciate the input.
358 Posts
As a new nurse, I think you will get more mileage from the acute rehab position. However, all of the IV team nurses I have met like it because they do not get "bogged down" with patient care, etc. Could you accept the IV team position and remain casual at your current position?
mamamerlee, LPN
949 Posts
I think you have answered yourself. You do not like your commute. You will get more mileage out of the rehab position.
That being said, I did IV therapy for years, and enjoyed it.
webmansx, ASN, RN
161 Posts
I would suggest Iv therapy. If its a slower more relaxed place you are looking for, both options will provide it. However I must warn that acute rehab even if the patients are not critical or high acuity, its a different kind of stress; a lot of physical, tedious labor, that will eventually get to you, not to mention the tremendous amount of paper work!
2,228 Posts
IV therapy
Rabid Response
309 Posts
I would pick IV therapy. From what I know of acute rehab, it sounds really boring to me. IV therapy sounds fairly stress free (but I really like starting IVs). Also, staying at your present hospital, even in a different position, will look better on your resume. You might not hate the commute so much if you liked the job more.
26 Posts
i will go for the acute rehab.
54 Posts
If acute rehab is anything like the "subacute" rehab wing I work on, it is anything but boring. It may "look" better on a resume to be with IV therapy, but, you would get ALOT more experience on the rehab wing. I
We start IV's there too, so if that is the experience you want, take the rehab job that is closer to home. It really depends on you and what your future goals are.
Good luck with your decision:redbeathe