Iv study day

Nurses General Nursing


Hi there,

I am attending an IV study day this week to learn how to administer IV's. It is my first time doing this study day. You need to do this study day before you are allowed administer IVs to patients.The person running it said I did not give me any background reading and when I asked her about it she said we dont need to prepare for it. Im just very nervous about it. :uhoh3:Any tips on what the day entails? Is it hard? thanks guys :)

I've never attended anything like this but placing IVs is really a skill you learn by hands-on training. I wouldn't worry too much about preparing in advance. My thought is that this training day is probably more of an instructional thing. Don't stress too much about it! Sounds like a good learning opportunity.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Are you talking about inserting an IV or administering medication through an IV?

Specializes in Surgical, quality,management.

I had to do that in Ireland after I graduated as part of the hospital policy. It is just an inservice on risks of IV medications IV access devices drug interactions and reactions.

It is an easy day in the classroom away from the wards. No reading required. Just enjoy the day off (as long as you don't get pulled!)

I had to do that in Ireland after I graduated as part of the hospital policy. It is just an inservice on risks of IV medications IV access devices drug interactions and reactions.

It is an easy day in the classroom away from the wards. No reading required. Just enjoy the day off (as long as you don't get pulled!)

hey thanks, from ireland too :) , doing it on my day off so boo!!!! glad it sounds like an easy enough day though!:yeah: , Ya its only learning how to administer drugs through iv, not inserting them ,

Specializes in Surgical, quality,management.

What hospital are you in?

That is ******** that you are not getting study leave for it!

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