Published Sep 8, 2018
28 Posts
I am returning to med surg after 8 years of another speciality. I am trying to find good resources concerning IV meds that need to be diluted in NS as well as iv compatability. Can anyone shout out meds that need to be diluted or reference a resource page or site? Thanks!
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,598 Posts
That would be impossible to give a list of the endless meds that may need to be diluted. Hospitals have resources that you can look up compatibility and other drug information, so I wouldn't worry to much.
Good luck with the new job!
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,678 Posts
A good drug book should have this info, and many will have a download-able version for a phone, if allowed. Many facilities with EMRs will have a link to an app like Lexicomp or Micromedix. You can also use these to check IV compatibility. If the package insert is not available, I would check with pharmacy.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
It shows up right on the MAR in rare cases when pharmacy doesn't mix it for you. Beyond that, it's often printed on the drug label, itself.