IV in LTC?

Specialties Geriatric


I have previously worked in a LTC facility and only Dr's started IVs and only phlebotomy techs draw bloods. I wanted to know is this customary in most ltc facilities?

Specializes in acute care and geriatric.

We too start our own IV's and take bloods- sometimes our MD's help (though we are more experienced)

We have a messenger pick them up every morning, we dont send stats during the day, in 4 years we always just wait for the morning.

Foleys (of course) we do, never an MD except if we have trouble catheterizing a male (usually blocked by prostrate...)

NG's and G-tubes are us as well, unless we have trouble.

LTC has come a long way, baby!!

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.
Well im happy to hear it ! Im a new grad RN, but worked in LTC as an LPN for 3 yrs up until last year so it wasnt too long ago. However, being that I only worked at the one facility, ive wondered how it is in others as im looking for another job. I dont know why this facility doesnt allow the nurses( LPN or RN) to do so but they dont, its ALWAYS been MD's for IVs and tech for bloods as there were always both available. I suppose this place ran on a different set of rules of their own because even a foley on a man was done only by the MD as well.

Seriously? Are you in the US? Jeez, if I called a Dr. and told him I needed him to come put a foley in someone just because he was male - I would be run out of town!

Specializes in acute care and geriatric.
Seriously? Are you in the US? Jeez, if I called a Dr. and told him I needed him to come put a foley in someone just because he was male - I would be run out of town!

I hear you, but truthfully, some men (for religious reasons or otherwise) really dont want women insertng foley's , we try to respect their sensitivities when that happens.

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.
I hear you, but truthfully, some men (for religious reasons or otherwise) really dont want women insertng foley's , we try to respect their sensitivities when that happens.

Well OK then, but I'm telling you there is just no way a Dr. would ever come in to put a foley in unless medically necessary in my area. Either they would laugh at me, scream at me or just hang up on me. (Maybe all 3)!

Perhaps this facility is conducted this way because its a orthodox jewish facility, thats the only reason that I can come up with in terms of the foley issue. However the IV issue remains the same,only inserted by the MD. (Maybe b/c they had too many MD's employed who ended up sitting around twiddling their thumbs?).Due to this place not allowing so many things of nurses and it being the only place i have worked for, I was unaware how other ltc's conducted themselves and honestly assumed that maybe they all are like this because none of my co-workers seemed to be bothered by it. Due to that, I started to give some merit to that idea that in ltc you "lose" your skills b/c of the many restrictions here therefore creating a nonconducive learning enviroment. And to previous poster, yes this place is in the US , its in the NYC area.

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.
Perhaps this facility is conducted this way because its a orthodox jewish facility, thats the only reason that I can come up with in terms of the foley issue. However the IV issue remains the same,only inserted by the MD. (Maybe b/c they had too many MD's employed who ended up sitting around twiddling their thumbs?).Due to this place not allowing so many things of nurses and it being the only place i have worked for, I was unaware how other ltc's conducted themselves and honestly assumed that maybe they all are like this because none of my co-workers seemed to be bothered by it. Due to that, I started to give some merit to that idea that in ltc you "lose" your skills b/c of the many restrictions here therefore creating a nonconducive learning enviroment. And to previous poster, yes this place is in the US , its in the NYC area.

I also think I am understanding you to say that you have Drs onsite. I do not. They only come to see their residents every 30 - 60 days. Maybe that could be part of the difference ?!?

Specializes in acute care and geriatric.

We have a doctor on site from 8am to 6pm and they are too busy to insert the IV's (though they will help if needed). Beleive me they do not twiddle thumbs!!!

I think its terrible to have a doc come in only once in 30-60 days (my humble opinion)

I also think I am understanding you to say that you have Drs onsite. I do not. They only come to see their residents every 30 - 60 days. Maybe that could be part of the difference ?!?

Yes there are many doctors on site until 6pm and then one for the entire facility until 8 am

Specializes in Cardiac/Step-Down, MedSurg, LTC.

In my facility we do not place IVs. If for some reason we need a line placed, I've heard we have an IV team come and place it. Most of the time, if our residents have IVs, they're from when they've come back from the hospital on IV meds or fluids.

We also do not do lab draws, we have a lab come and do them as needed, and two days a week.

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.
Yes there are many doctors on site until 6pm and then one for the entire facility until 8 am

WOW. This is great for both the residents and the nurses. Count your blessings for this one.

Specializes in LTC, MDS Cordnator, Mental Health.

We are very rural here. If a resident needs an IV a Pic Line is placed. at this facility I have placed IV's at other facilities that I have worked.

We don't do either. Have a Lab company that draws the blood and an I.V. company to insert the I.V.'s . I wish we were able to do it though. Very non-acute and non-technical at my facility.

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