Its Sign Up Day

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Specializes in CNA.

This is it. Today is orientation and sign up day. I have to put 100 dollars down to hold my spot. I laid in bed and really considered not going. :uhoh21: I fought a major battle with myself. I think I would have stayed home and put it off, but I had already made arrangements at work to come in late today. Getting to come in late on a Friday is a mini miracle. :D

I am so scared of making a wrong decision. I have made some really bad decisions in the past year, so I have trouble making choices now. I know I need to make more money. I know I need to have meaningful work. I know that I am tired of wearing a hat and an apron and working with teenagers. I know that I want to raise my daughter.

I am a sweet, compassionate person. I like older people. I like being on my feet and moving around. I want to be in the healthcare field. I am hard working and dedicated. :nurse:

I can do this!

You can do this! I just signed up myself for my class, I am a mom to 5 children ages 13-2 and I have my doubts as well. like you, I want to set a good example for my children, I know it will not be easy, but you will feel so good about yourself. This is your chance and you should take it! I was panicking a little last night, thinking what have i got myself into (i already paid my $200 deposit) but when push comes to shove I need to do this for myself. Its time to move on good luck, keep me posted!:typing:nurse:

Specializes in CNA.

Well, folks, I did it. I enrolled today. I was so proud of myself. It felt so good to be taking that first step.

I need to complete this. You see, I was a straight A, honor student that didn't finish high school. When I started my senior year in 1986 I only need 1 and 1/2 credits in order to graduate, but I got married and then dropped out. I was a housewife for 20 years.

I got my GED in 2001. I started college in 2006. My 20 year marriage ended in 2007. I got a job at WalMart, and I moved three times. During this stressful time I completed all of my nursing pre-reqs. I got accepted to RN school in 2008. I earned forty credits and a 3.8 GPA. I was inducted into the National Honor Society.

I got remarried September 2008. Big mistake. I quit my job and dropped out of nursing school. My husband drained my bank account, ruined my credit, and destroyed my self confidence. I left him after 5 months. Since I dropped out I am on financial aid suspension and I owe the college 280 dollars.

So here I am living with my 19 year old daughter and making minimum wage. I have 40 college credits but no degree and no job skills. This class will help me get back on track. I must finish it.

I am very excited about this class. Hearts in Training is a Christian company. Our teacher told us that CNA's are called to the work they do, and they bring light into the lives of their patients. She said that if we are not called, we should not take this class because CNA's who are not called will bring darkness to their patients' souls.

Congrtulations!! I am glad you did it! :w00t::balloons:

:ancong!: I'm really proud of you and you can do this! Hang in there and keep us posted on your success. If you ever have any questions or need to vent, we're here for you! Good luck to you and God bless!


Well, folks, I did it. I enrolled today. I was so proud of myself. It felt so good to be taking that first step.

I need to complete this. You see, I was a straight A, honor student that didn't finish high school. When I started my senior year in 1986 I only need 1 and 1/2 credits in order to graduate, but I got married and then dropped out. I was a housewife for 20 years.

I got my GED in 2001. I started college in 2006. My 20 year marriage ended in 2007. I got a job at WalMart, and I moved three times. During this stressful time I completed all of my nursing pre-reqs. I got accepted to RN school in 2008. I earned forty credits and a 3.8 GPA. I was inducted into the National Honor Society.

I got remarried September 2008. Big mistake. I quit my job and dropped out of nursing school. My husband drained my bank account, ruined my credit, and destroyed my self confidence. I left him after 5 months. Since I dropped out I am on financial aid suspension and I owe the college 280 dollars.

So here I am living with my 19 year old daughter and making minimum wage. I have 40 college credits but no degree and no job skills. This class will help me get back on track. I must finish it.

I am very excited about this class. Hearts in Training is a Christian company. Our teacher told us that CNA's are called to the work they do, and they bring light into the lives of their patients. She said that if we are not called, we should not take this class because CNA's who are not called will bring darkness to their patients' souls.

i am in my first week of CNA classes and i LOVE it. i am taking this course as a prereq for the nursing program i plan on starting in october. i too was worried if this was what i truly wanted to do and actually put off signing up for almost 6 months :rolleyes: silly me!

good luck and keep us posted on your progress! :D

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