I haven't read any threads about this kind of topic yet... so thought I'd start one. It's about those people saying they are only doing nursing for the money. I mean, that should not be your main reason of taking up nursing. It just gets me so annoyed. I am a current pre-nursing student and will be applying for the ADN program this fall, and the other day in my A&P class I overheard (actually they were speaking kind of loud to eachother) 2 students talking about the "only" reason they're taking nursing is for the "money" to buy anything they want etc...and began laughing :rotfl: and the other student said their family are forcing her into nursing but always wanted to business. I just feel disgusted about the fact that, first of all, nursing is no joke and healthcare in general is no laughing matter. What is wrong with these people? I wanted to just tell them how wrong they are and then suggest to them to change their major because their 2 seats should be saved for those "serious" nursing students wanting to be in the program (like me for example :) ). I mean sure the money is great
and financial stability and security is very important for me and my family's future... but what should also be considered important is aknowledging what it takes to become a nurse, having compassion for your job :redbeathe , and just loving what you do , am I right?
Anyone else share the same feelings or know of someone who says they're "only in it for the money"??