Is YOUR hospital hiring???

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in CVICU, anesthesia.

OK, we all know that new grads are having a hard time finding jobs. Many hospitals are on a hiring freeze, and others will not hire new grads. For the benefit of new grads and soon-to-be-grads, I thought we might all be able to collaborate and share about the status of the hospitals in our area. What city are you in? Is your hospital (or the hospitals in your area) on a hiring freeze? Are they hiring new grads?

I have not graduated yet, but I am doing my clinicals at the Cleveland Clinic. So far, they are not on a hiring freeze, and they do still seem to be hiring new grads, but reluctantly. Most job postings say "experience preferred." There are other hospitals in the Cleveland area that are on a hiring freeze, and it seems like it is getting worse, not better :(

This may help new grads who are willing to relocate find the hospitals that are still hiring new grads.

Thanks everyone! :D

Specializes in Med/surg. ED. Palliative. Geront.

...if you fancy Canada and are willing to move - there are loads of jobs...

Specializes in med-surg, BICU.

I work in nyc in a very large hospital and management is still hiring nurses. I work in a burn unit and we currently have nurses on orientation for permanent positions. (and new grads are welcome!)

Specializes in MICU, neuro, orthotrauma.

Erie, PA

All three hospitals in this area are hiring. We just hired a new grad in the ICU.

I work in nyc in a very large hospital and management is still hiring nurses. I work in a burn unit and we currently have nurses on orientation for permanent positions. (and new grads are welcome!)

If you don't mind me asking what hospital do you work in? I graduated in December 2008 with a BSN and am having a really hard time finding a job. Thanks!

Specializes in dialysis.

Does anyone know of a hospital that would petition someone from the philippines on an H1-B or H1-C visa?

Specializes in Emergency Department.

I work for UH and as far as I know they are still hiring, there are jobs posted on the website. I am at on of the community hospitals. I know they hired new grads here in Jan but I'm not sure if they are now.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Pedi/Tele.

I'm at the childrens hospital in RI and we are hiring, new grads and other. I also know that the adult side is hiring RN's as well.

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.

In NC we still have a nursing shortage, the starting pay is lower but it compares to the lower cost of living unless you live in Cary or pinehurst, well asheville is expensive too, but research it. there are many jobs down here.

Specializes in Psych, Med/Surg, LTC.

I work at 2 places. Both are desperate for nurses. (one is a psych/medical place, the other is a small hospital, desperate in med/surg and OB) I live in NEPA.

Specializes in Psych, Med/Surg, LTC.

OOPS forgot to sub

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