Is this typical for an LPN program?


I’m almost done with my LPN program, I have about three months to go. I just started clinical last week. We had to do virtual clinical in place of sim lab over the Summer, so it has definitely been hard going from in class, to all online, back to in class. My program requires that you get a 74 test average on nursing exams before they factor in anything else or you don’t pass. They also require that you take an achieve a 100 on a math quiz each semester or you can’t go to clinical, you only get three try’s to get a 100 or they tell us we will fail clinical. I’m just wondering this is typical of nursing programs? It seemed kind of extreme to me but I also have never taken any courses before this. This program seemed hard to me, this semester they have us taking a test every week for one the nursing classes. 

Specializes in oncology.

yes both the minimum grade before additional assignments added and the dose calculation requirement are becoming very standard. When additional homework assignments were factored into grades before determining passing/failing letter grades, some students would have failed several or all of their tests but the homework pulled their grade up.  Because their foundational nursing knowledge was lacking, several graduated but were unable to pass the NCLEX. With your school's current policy they are requiring students receive a passing grade on tests before adding anything that could inflate that. 

Dose calculation math is difficult for many students and they rally in order to pass the first test but are unable to maintain the ability to complete math problems later in clinical or in employment. A skill like dose calculation needs to be practiced in order to continue to be competent. Some employers also administer a test when a graduate applies for a job. Learn it thoroughly the first time and you will not have any problems. Best wishes as you complete your final course.

Specializes in Gerontology, Education.

Yes this does seem reasonable. Our requirement is 75% test average and the math test is the same as you describe. Three tries to earn 100%

Our program requires 80% or better to pass. It is pretty hard. 

This is my first semester in my program and we are averaging about 2 exams a week.

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