Published Jul 20, 2009
192 Posts
Just a tad concerned as I have had several people of late mention that LVN's are being phased out and that hospitals arent hiring them anymore. I am actually going on for the RN as soon as I finish my LVN, but I didnt want to wait another year to get started in the RN program when I could start now on the LVN. I planned on working Partime at my hospital as an LVN on the weekend while I finish up the RN program. I just wonder why I keep hearing (even on a couple of threads on here I have seen it mentioned) that LVNS arent being hired anymore. Is there any truth to this at all or is it just people's opinions??
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
It depends on the area of the country and the facility. LPNs are widely utilized in nursing homes, outpatient clinics, home health and some doctors offices.
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
I agree with daytonite. In my area LPNs are utilized at some hospitals, clinics, schools, home health. I decided to get my LPN first for several reasons and I also plan to get my RN. In the mean time my goal is to find a job and get started working as a nurse.