Published Sep 14, 2005
101 Posts
Hi! My name is Shannon and I'm NOT a nurse, but hope to be one day! It's a long story, but I had to make the decision to put off nursing school for a few years I won't bore you all with the details, but suffice it to say that I had to put my kiddos first :)
I don't want this to be a wicked long post, but I have so many questions!! First, would you all mind if I continue lurking (I have been lurking for some time) and chime in occassionally? I have an incredible passion for L&D! I have always been fascinated with pregnancy and birth! I have a strong pull to the NICU as well. I actually shadowed in both areas recently through our city's health council (job shadowing program). I saw 2 vag deliveries, 2 c/s, and 3 epidurals performed. I LOVED every minute of those 8 hours!!
Anyway....My big question is this: I have a huge fear (phobia really) of vomiting. I kid you not, I go in to panic mode when someone MENTIONS vomit. It's really, really bad. I basically do whatever it takes to RUN away from the situation. My hands start sweating, I can't think straight, and I cover my ears. I seriously can't cope. I don't know why, which makes it even worse. I've spoken to therapists/counselors and I get nowhere. I constantly hear "no one likes vomit." I know that, but I have an irrational fear, and it hinders me The strange thing is that I have NO issues with young babies/infants spitting up or vomiting. No panic, nothing. Right around the 9 month to one year mark it starts bothering me. I don't get it.
I truly believe I could be an excellent nurse, but I'm scared to death that my phobia will keep me from fulfilling my dreams What can I do? How can I learn to cope with vomiting enough to care for my patients? I have researched online and found a website for people like me. It says exposure therapy can cure you. Does anyone have any experience with a person like me?
I love this board (and the NICU one as well)!! Thanks in advance!
190 Posts
Hi! My name is Shannon and I'm NOT a nurse, but hope to be one day! It's a long story, but I had to make the decision to put off nursing school for a few years I won't bore you all with the details, but suffice it to say that I had to put my kiddos first :)I don't want this to be a wicked long post, but I have so many questions!! First, would you all mind if I continue lurking (I have been lurking for some time) and chime in occassionally? I have an incredible passion for L&D! I have always been fascinated with pregnancy and birth! I have a strong pull to the NICU as well. I actually shadowed in both areas recently through our city's health council (job shadowing program). I saw 2 vag deliveries, 2 c/s, and 3 epidurals performed. I LOVED every minute of those 8 hours!! Anyway....My big question is this: I have a huge fear (phobia really) of vomiting. I kid you not, I go in to panic mode when someone MENTIONS vomit. It's really, really bad. I basically do whatever it takes to RUN away from the situation. My hands start sweating, I can't think straight, and I cover my ears. I seriously can't cope. I don't know why, which makes it even worse. I've spoken to therapists/counselors and I get nowhere. I constantly hear "no one likes vomit." I know that, but I have an irrational fear, and it hinders me The strange thing is that I have NO issues with young babies/infants spitting up or vomiting. No panic, nothing. Right around the 9 month to one year mark it starts bothering me. I don't get it. I truly believe I could be an excellent nurse, but I'm scared to death that my phobia will keep me from fulfilling my dreams What can I do? How can I learn to cope with vomiting enough to care for my patients? I have researched online and found a website for people like me. It says exposure therapy can cure you. Does anyone have any experience with a person like me? I love this board (and the NICU one as well)!! Thanks in advance!
I don't see any problem with lurking.
21 Posts
I'm an ER nurse who has been traveling for quite some time. I personally don't have issues with vomiting but I worked with a nurse at one facility who could absolutely not deal with it. She was a great nurse and had worked ER for many years, but she could simply not deal with it. When her pts would get sick, one of us would go take care of it. Of course, she got a little teasing. But it brought up the discussion of stuff the rest of us couldn't deal with. (mine is suctioning thick mucous like say out of an ET tube) Everybody has something they can't deal with.
In other words, don't let one little thing make you think you can't do it. You will either get used to it enough to deal with it or you will find a way to work around it.
209 Posts
I'm an ER nurse who has been traveling for quite some time. I personally don't have issues with vomiting but I worked with a nurse at one facility who could absolutely not deal with it. She was a great nurse and had worked ER for many years, but she could simply not deal with it. When her pts would get sick, one of us would go take care of it. Of course, she got a little teasing. But it brought up the discussion of stuff the rest of us couldn't deal with. (mine is suctioning thick mucous like say out of an ET tube) Everybody has something they can't deal with. In other words, don't let one little thing make you think you can't do it. You will either get used to it enough to deal with it or you will find a way to work around it.
lurk away! have your tried hypnosis for your fear of vomit? could be worth a shot!
3,322 Posts
Lurking is fine, posting it better.
(If you really like this site, spend the 20 bucks/yr so you can post in ALL areas - It's worth it, and it supports the site.)
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Sure, you may lurk AND post. We have many who are seeking nursing careers, pre-nursing and the like.
Hope you can continue your career.
221 Posts
You are not alone! I am a sympathetic vomitter. I can deal with anything else (although trach suction is a close second) - blood, brain matter, pee, poo...But the moment someone pukes, I'm a goner. I loose it when I see it on TV! Something about the sight, sound and smell sends me over the edge.
BUT! I have learned to deal with it quite well. I haven't lost it the entire time I've been in clinical - including very fresh post op that didn't make it to the emesis basin and launched all over the front of my scrubs. I had a few hairy moments back in the day when I was with EMS years ago and just finally got to the point I didn't have to excuse myself. Deep breathing and concentration and I think some desensitisation. It still gets to me, but I'm not sharing the emesis basin with the original puker. I've also learned as a NS (the day I had the Incident) to medicate for nausea.
Hang in there and don't give up your dream! Sounds like NICU would be perfect for you - just have to tolerate it long enough to get through school! Welcome to the boards :)
"including very fresh post op that didn't make it to the emesis basin and launched all over the front of my scrubs."
That statement is enough to cause me to curl up in a ball and cry :lol Seriously, that would just be horrible for me
However, on a positive note ~ I was able to get through Survivor tonight (with the vomiting marathon). I was able to hear that they were vomiting and LOOK at the TV and watch vomit come out of one guy's mouth. That is HUGE progress for me! HUGE!
I do agree that I need to be desensitized. For about the past month I have been looking at pictures of people vomiting (like googling vomiting, etc.) and that helped a ton. I then listened to vomit sounds (also found online). My next step would be to watch vomiting scenes (not sure where to find that one). It will be a while before I can conquer that one. After that would be the real thing! As in my patient saying....I'm going to puke; can you hold the emesis basin for me I can't believe that my biggest moment will be just staying in the room when someone is puking...that's sad, huh?
Thanks for your responses, I'm so happy to be able to hang out in here!!!
41 Posts
maybe you can start by desensitizing...
for example looking at pictures of vomit everyday and trying to get used to it....testing on smelling vomit..and so forth....