Is it ok to hate some areas of nursing?

Nursing Students General Students


I'm bit depressed today. I have a big exam tomorrow (on geriatric nursing, hospice...etc.), and to tell you the truth I couldn't care less! Geriatric nursing is not for me, and now I'm wondering if I've got what nursing takes. I know I will have geriatric patients wherever I work (well, maybe not pedi, NICU...) and I'm fine with that. To my question...

Can I be a good nurse even though I absolutely hate some areas of nursing?? Is all about getting through them in school and then working somewhere interesting???

Ada :o

I would rather slit my wrists than change a colostomy bag. If it is a choice of colostomy care or the guillotine, I woud have to really think hard.

You will find your place, just finish school. Something will meet your needs and make you feel like a million bucks before taxes, just be patient.


It's an absolutely normal feeling. Just like we have our likes and dislikes in other areas of our lives, doesn't mean we're not cut out to be human!:chuckle Nursing is a blend of so many exposures. We take a sample of each but we're not expected to devour and relish everything. Like the above poster said, you will find your niche in time. Good luck on your exam!!

Specializes in Geriatrics, Pediatrics, Home Health.

All I can say is "BOY I HOPE SO!!" :confused: If not, then I am in BIG trouble! Like BarbPick said, I would rather slit my wrists than deal with ANYTHING related to Vomiting/BM!! I hate it! And Live in terror that someone will puke close to me!!

I already know that I WILL NOT work in LTC. I can't handle it. I am interested in ICU/CCU in particular, cardiac open heart surgery recovery.

I also know that I can't be an ER nurse. I just can't handle the trauma. Does this make me a bad student? I don't think so. I just have to get through the clinicals that address my adversions and then forget about them. Hopefully, I won't get puked on and won't have to deal with BM's! Yah right. The patient will wait until I walk into their room and then let me have it. :rolleyes: :D :chuckle

Don't worry, you will be fine. I KNOW I will be on here posting my puke and poop stories just so I can get sympathy! :D

Good luck and have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your break from classes!

ICU is a good place for you, KW. They are pretty quick to get an NG tube inserted, so you don't have the have nightmares of the projectile vomiting ah la the exorcist.

And poop, when I was 16 and learning to babysit, my brother in law told me to just think of it as smelly peanut butter. Some how I lived through changing diapers.

At this moment, there are 134 areas of nursing specialization, you will find yours.................

Originally posted by BarbPick

You will find your place, just finish school. Something will meet your needs and make you feel like a million bucks before taxes, just be patient.


I really needed to hear that, especially today! Just finished the LTC rotation, and nursing homes are NOT a place I ever want to be at again. I could not wait to get out of there today, I hated everything about it. I felt very discouraged that nursing as a whole was not for me, but then I remember that I already know what I want to do (L&D), and I just need to get through these other rotations in school and pass, and be done with them for good! Every once in a while I get discouraged but I try and reassure myself that I'll find my place by the end of school... I hope. :rolleyes:

Oh and kwagner, I also have a huge problem with vomit! I'm known to run in the opposite direction. :chuckle

Good, now that LTC is over, I will tell my horror story. I received my assignment and came to find my patient covered in what should have been in her diaper all over her, hair and all. It was just me and not enough soap in the world could have completed this task. Water towels and a deep wish that God would take me, right there on the spot, but sometimes God says no, and that was one of the times. I scrubbed that lady, washed her hair and I could tell she relaxed. I lived, and took on the next challenge, and 28 years later, I have lots of stories to tell.

Stuff like poo all over makes me sick and I have been to some awful crime scenes and nothing was worse than that lady in LTC.


This woman today kept pooping on the floor, everytime my classmate got her cleaned up she would poop again, it was horrible and I already felt sick to my stomach, so when I got trapped behind her chair as she did it let me tell you how I felt! :roll

And this woman is deaf and totally not cooperative, she knows when shes giving you a hard time though and THEN she proceeds to laugh at you. She was laughing a heck of a lot this morning...

Have you ever seen "Triamph the insult dog Comic" from the Conan O Brian show? My husband just bought the DVD and CD of "come poop with me" I kid you not.

:chuckle Yes I have seen that dog.. he's interesting to say the least. "Come Poop With Me", who comes up with this stuff.

Definitely! I know that I HATED the place I did my first year clinical rotation... Stupid dirty old nursing home... But weird enough, I LOVED my geriatric nursing rotation at the hospital and I LOVE working as a CNA at a different nursing home... But yeah, definitely, you can't love it all!

I mean, you like food most of the time, right? You like pizza, and chocolate, and lasagna, and cookies, whatever... But who likes brussel sprouts? Or fried cabbage? *sorry to those who do!* :p

No worries! It doesn't make you a bad nurse! :D

Specializes in Hospice.

Our clinicals this semester were at two different NH's. One was wonderful and the other horrible. I loved the gerontology class, and the patients and stuff, but I DREAD peds and L&D! I'd almost be willing to trade if I could get away with it.

I wish I knew what I want to go into, guess I'm way too impatient to know. I was so anxious for the first semester to be over, and now I'm looking forward to getting back to school. Go figure.

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