Published Mar 18, 2009
78 Posts
Is Nursing Worth It?
Is it all worth it?
What we put ourselves through
Do we pay too big a price
To do what we're called to do
I'm tired of all the stress
I can't bear it any longer
I didn't know it would be this hard
Maybe I needed to be stronger
They told me I was accepted
That I was smart and a blessing
But then they question my abilities
They have me second guessing
Nursing school is a nightmare
I feel like I'm sinking
I've never experienced anything like it
Oh God... what was I thinking!
I did it... I graduated!
I didn't let them break me
I showed them that I was worthy
Who knew I had it in me
But now a new challenge awaits
My future rides on one last test
Every eye is on me
All I can do is my best
The pressure unravels me
I'm nauseous and shaking
I open the page
How long is it taking!!
Time seems to be frozen
Then at long last
I see the unexpected...
It's over... I PASSED!
I drop to my knees
The tears begin to flow
I'm full of mixed emotions
Too many to really know
Am I really a nurse
It doesn't seem real
I'm numb all over
How am I supposed to feel
Next I pound the pavement
I couldn't be more glad
But I find a harsh reality
I'm not a nurse but a New Grad!
Are you kidding me?
When does it all end!
Must I keep proving myself
I just want to be an RN!
A job is finally offered
And then yet another
Now the balls in my court
Do I take this one or the other
I'm thinking I like tele
But I would work ICU too
What about trauma nursing
Maybe med/surg would do
Do I prefer the day shift or night
Evenings might be nice
Maybe travel or registry
Possibly weekends could entice
I have so many options
My choices now abound
The world is my oyster
A perfect career I have found
Was it all worth it in the end
To have the perfect career
I think it truly was
Despite the heartache that I share
Not only is our job rewarding
Our path is ours to create
A nurse is like a chameleon
The possibilities will never abate
To nurses everywhere...
Enjoy the rewards of your career... you've earned it!!
To furture nurses...
Hang in there... you will find that it truly IS worth it!! :redbeathe
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
I loved it !!! This poem just gave me the motivation I need to get off AN and study for my final this FRIDAY !
That's awesome! Best of luck on your final. Eye on the prize! :wink2:
20,964 Posts
VERY NICE. Best wishes to you.
22 Posts
Pure poet and a nurse at that. Thank you for sharing your poem, very uplifting!!!
94 Posts
Thank you, it was very nice