Why is it easy to be honest with complete strangers?
I am 30 years old male, and I was just accepted into a nursing program a year ago. I was very excited, but I allowed people to talk me out of the program. I was told that I was to old, that I had a weak stomach, that they don't see me as a nurse, and it would be hard becoming a nurse because I am a male. I thought they were right, but a year later I find myself regretting not starting the program.
I completed the Navy, so the navy would pay my rent, tuition, and my book fees. So money is not the issue.
I don't like my current job. I have been put on probation at my job, and I feel like it's a blessing in disguise. And I have done so many desk jobs and don't like it. I work at a school doing filing, grades, and busy work. The job does not satisfy me. Come to think of it, I don't like desk jobs, I have way to much energy, and I love being social. I care about my fellow man. My job's pay is alright, but the health insurance is horrible, i do as many hours as i would a nurse, and I come home feeling like why am i doing this job. I can't support my wife, I don't feel like my work as any meaning to me, and it's dull. If I became a nurse, I could offer her more, and most importantly the job could give me value.
My wife's main concern is what if I don't like nursing. My question to her is what if it is what i been looking for all this time!!!!
Can anybody out their relate?