Is there any hope for me? please help


Hello everyone,

I feel like hiding under a rock and staying there...forever. I am very discouraged. I just took off the blindfolds and realized that maybe im not good enough for nursing. I love this career but sometimes we are not capable of doing the things we want no matter how much we try. You are either cut out for it..or not...there is no in between.

I went to a four year college after High school but i was bombarded with many things from being first generation college student, to family problems and taking 16 units my first semester. I had really bad studying habits and i didnt do well in my classes and now i feel it has ruined my chances at a career in nursing.

My first semester i got:

Microbiology D

Anatomy D

Psychology B

Freshman English B+, B

Speech B

college studies A

I took Anatomy over and managed to get only a B+ and a B in microbiology. I study soooo hard and my grades dont reflect that. Now i think my chances of getting into a nursing program are slim.

In the other classes ive taken ive gotten:

critical thinking B-

Diversity in Sociology A

Sociology B

Child/human development B

Human Nutrition C+

Abnormal Psychology A

Physiology B

My grades are good compared to my friends with less stressful majors ... but its not good enough to become a nurse. I was reading other posts and i feel so discouraged... i dont have a great GPA like most of you do. I'm scared! Ive invested all this time and effort and its just not good enough. please anyone out there give me some there hope for me?

Specializes in ICU, ER, Hemodialysis.


you brought D's to B's....that is an accomplishment!!! if you really want to be a nurse then NEVER stop....apply to more than one school, you can take an lpn program (some are easier to get into) and then take a bridge program (this can be done at a university or online), you can become a paramedic and then take excelsior college online, and i'm sure many other ideas! the choice is CAN become a nurse if that is what you truly want. i believe that with all my heart. some people have to study alot harder than others, some people have learning difficulties, but the most important thing is a will to succeed!!!!!

think about how you can have an inner city youth that goes on to become a lawyer and another that joins a gang and dies an early death....what is the difference between the two? one of them said i CAN do it and the other probably blamed all his troubles on society and said society won't let him rise above his present situation. WE are the ones in control of ourselves! some people, such as the previously mentioned youth, have a lot bigger hill to climb, but they are climbing the same hill as everyone else and the view will look just as great to them as it does to everyone else when they reach the top. so strap on your hiking boots and i wish you much success.

best wishes,


Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

Where I live in St. Louis, the entrance is not weighted like so many other areas of the country -- at least for the community colleges. You are wait-listed once you pass a minimum of pre-reqs with at least a "C" average (or maybe that's a "C" for each class)'s running about a 2-3 semester wait....

You might check around to see if there are programs in your area that just have wait-lists, or consider relocating if you feel your grades will keep you from getting in where you are....

Best wishes!

I dont know why everyone thinks you have to get A's to be a nurse. A nurse that gets C's vs. a nurse that gets A's could be a better nurse. If you get A's you are book smart, has nothing to do with how you will be in the real world. Take the B's and move on.

I agree with the other posters that you have made a huge improvement in your grades by taking them over. You have to realize that grades will not determine whether you will make a good nurse or not. I currently work in a Finance department for a large corporation while I wait to be accepted to Nursing school and we have had a few ivy league graduates with straight A's. Some of them have been great, but some have been totally useless. They might have had great grades, but when it came down to the job, they couldn't function. So I wouldn't get bent out of shape for your grades.

Specializes in ICU, Tele, Dialysis.

Have no fear! I believe you can do it if you really want it. I went to nursing school and met one of my best friends there, we were doing our prereqs, fantastic, we got into our first semester of nursing school and my friend just couldn't seem to make it, no matter how hard we studied or what we did to help her, nothing worked. She wound up going to another university and she obtained a BSN!!! She is now a DON at a great job. Sometimes you just have to find a school that fits you well, don't give up though, if you're on here reaching out for hope then there is hope for you!!Good luck and keep us posted!

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

The problem may be what has been pointed out to me before when I mentioned that the learning and knowledge was most important -- for many many areas of the country, you are weighted for acceptance in to nursing school and the competition is tough.

I sat with a gal today who said she had almost straight A's where she used to live, but not quite the 4.0, and it might have taken her forever to get in to school's hard to imagine...she said that she was often up against people who had taken a class FOUR times to get the A to put them a leg up against another applicant....

Specializes in Me Surge.

Your grades are realy not that bad. Maybe try not taking so many credit hours per semester. You're not doing yourself any favors taking more hours than you can handle. By the way your social science grades are great. Congratulations! You will use a lot of that knowledge in nursing. You can do it. The science prereqs are hard for everybody.

You've already shown your determination by boosting your D's to B's, and if nursing is what you really want, DON'T give up. I have a friend whose A&P and micro grades weren't as high as she would have liked--I think a C in micro--and she found a school. It partly depends on the schools in your area. But I'm a firm believer that grades are not a definite reflection of how we'll perform in the future.

Try taking fewer classes, or find a great study buddy--that's what helped me. If you need to get a tutor, then do that. Don't give up on your dreams and, most of all, don't give up on yourself!

What are you talking about. Your grades are not bad. You took the ones over that you did poorly in. Not everyone is a straight A student. Your going to do just fine.

Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

Your grades aren't bad, but you're right that sometimes that can make it hard to get into a program. I did the same thing when I first went to college - took too many classes, ended up dropping a lot but didn't do very good in the rest. I realized that I wasn't going to get into an RN program the usual way (unless I wanted to pay for a private college, which accepted me) so I am doing the LPN program at a tech school instead. I've continued to take all of the prereqs that will be necessary to do either a LPN-RN bridge or LPN-BSN bridge program. That is my way around the system because I know I will make a good nurse. Grades are not everything. As my LPN teacher tells us "There are no A's or B's or C's after your name when you become a nurse - just LPN or RN."

So I would just suggest looking at all the options available to you. Also, as I said earlier sometimes the more expensive colleges don't have as long of waitlists and are easier to get into - downside is having lots of $$$$$ to pay back when you graduate.


I think you did a great job! Do not give up. You are motivating me to keep trying.


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