Is the ETS GRE practice test accurate?


Specializes in Open Heart.

Today I took one of the GRE practice tests on the cd that was mailed to me from ETS.

I'm curious if anyone knows how accurate of a measure this is of your score ability......

My score surprised me....

Wondering how scores on this correlate to actual scores.....Anyway if anyone is familiar with this CD and took the practice test and the real GRE I'd love to know how the scores related


Specializes in CVPACU, CCU, ICU.

I found it to be very representative of my actual scores. I hope you were pleasantly surprised?

Specializes in Open Heart.

Actually very pleasantly surprised

verbal 680, math 720......from what I'm reading this sounds like it could be a nice help on getting into school (Assuming I can do around this on the real test), although I've actually heard some schools just want to see 1000 and don't care too much after that

What is everyone's experience with GRE some schools really not even care if you do well?

Specializes in CVPACU, CCU, ICU.

I made an 1180 and a 5.5 and was worried sick that it wasnt good enough and even considered taking some sort of study course and retaking the exam :rolleyes:. Then when I interviewed I found out that I had the second highest score and that they are basically looking for that 1000 score. I wouldnt stress over it. I was making similar or maybe slightly higher with the ETS sample tests. You will do great !:yeah:

The practice ETS GRE is the same as the actual test. I scored very close on both. The gre wasn't as hard as everyone says (as long as you prepare). :nuke:

Specializes in Open Heart.

OK well here's the much does a high GRE score hell the cause of getting into anesthesia school?

Most schools want @ least a 1000 combined score. So, I think you'll be fine. Beside the GRE is not the deciding factor. They will look @ everything (gpa, references, experience). Good luck

ETS Powerprep test score is the closest practice test you will ever get when preparing for GRE.

In fact most of the students take ETS CD test 1 week before the actual GRE test date.

Other practice test software scores doesn't use the same scoring pattern as in practice ETS Test.

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