Is Drug Addiction a Disease?


  1. Is Drug Addiction A Disease?

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My daughter just asked me this question since she has a debate coming up with this topic for her Medical Sociology college class. It got me thinking :idea: ; and, I'm curious as to how others in our profession feel about it. By the way, she has been assigned the con position.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
I think of it more as an attempt to treat a disease. Drug addicts are really just trying to treat a large health issue...many times depression.

Fer sure, but for depressed people who resort to drugs AND they have the unlucky genes for addiction, the plastic changes in the brain become permenent. Most people don't get it that when they drink a depressant drug like alcohol, it only makes their depression worst. So never give up the ship when trying to get depressed patients into treatment.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
this certainly makes a good point,i'd like to see the response of others on this topic which makes this interesting for reading.a step-by-step instructions on this could be very well appreciated, i think this is a great place to test out new ideas. in fact, i could get some real nuggets here that i'm going to use right away!

drug-free addiction treatment: "stop addiction to sex, drugs, alcohol or even to the net",

you are kidding, aren't you? these books belong with the breast enhancement ads. if you believe this, i have a self-help technique that will make you rich in 12 days.

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