Is a B in Biology okay?


Looking at my current situation right now, I'm expected to get a B in biology.

I'm also taking chemistry 1 this semester and have a perfect score so far in that class.

My current GPA is 3.714

I have 2 semesters remaining before I transfer to a 4 year university.

I've been nervous lately, especially when the time to apply will be here before I even know it.

Do you guys think I'm doing okay so far?

Also, a few quick questions.

Did you personally find biology or microbiology to be more challenging?

What about A&P? Is it more challenging than micro/bio or not?

I'm new here, and found this site recently and I've gained some pretty valuable information. :)

Any additional words of wisdom will be gladly accepted!

Specializes in MICU, SICU, CICU.

Yes. Keep up the good work. Bio Micro and A&P are similar in their depth and level of difficulty. A&P is a lot of memorization which is a valid form of learning.

I personally found A&P the most challenging...although I still made a B or higher in both. Don't fret about the occasional B. You have a fantastic overall GPA.

First, I want to say good job in your studies your GPA is great! Second, you asked which is harder A&P or microbiology. In my opinion microbiology was more difficult than A&P not because the material is any harder, but the class I took had more learning activities than A&P. What I mean, is that A&P was simply cue card based memorization, labs and knowledge of the body and it's processes. While, for my class, microbiology learning activities involved labs with reports, memorization and group projects with a term paper and a presentation 😒.

Specializes in Critical Care.

That's a great GPA and most people get an occasional B. I personally found Micro a little harder *for myself* to understand than A&P. But I'm very good at memorization.

Yes! Keep up the good work :)

It's just fine! I got a B in Biology and just got accepted into nursing school. In my opinion, Anatomy is much harder than Bio was. I'm taking micro this summer so we will see. You have an awesome GPA! Keep up the good work!

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