Published Aug 11, 2011
45 Posts
I'm about to finish my ADN program in 2 weeks. A few weeks ago, when i was at clinical, i worked with a nurse who went out of their way to ensure that i learned everything i could. This individual was the best preceptor nurse I ever had. I feel very grateful towards this nurse and i was wondering if it would be inappropriate to send this nurse a thank you card for all the help i received from them, and also about sending an invitation to my pinning ceremony.
Would this be regarded as unprofessional or inappropriate?
Any feedback would be appreciated
Future Graduate Nurse
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
I don't think it is anything wrong with inviting her. Congrats ! She will be happy to come.
ok, i just didn't know if sending thank you cards or invitations to ceremonies from a student to a preceptor nurse would be viewed as kind of weird. So in general, do nurses like to receive such kind of invitations? how bout receiving thank you cards?
Double-Helix, BSN, RN
3,377 Posts
Thank you cards are more than acceptable. Several years ago, they would have been expected. I guess it's a mark of how our culture has changed that we now wonder if sending thank you notes is inappropriate.
It's also fine to invite her to your pinning. You can send a formal invitation, or include the invitation in the written body of the thank you card.
142 Posts
I am finishing in two weeks too. Congrats. Sure ask her especially if she was a good to you. Congrats again!!!!
the thing is...I am a male student. So when the student and the preceptor nurse are of opposite genders, does that make it kind of awkward? Versus a situation when both the student and the nurse are female/female, male/male?