Interview Today


Hey Everyone! I just had my interview at UTC---Write to me if you want any information! Thanks for everyone's support! Tracy

I tried to send you a PM, but it did not work.

I would love to hear more about UTC as I plan to apply there after I complete my BSN. What was the interview like? Did it go well? What do they seem to be looking for in a student?

Thanks for any info.



Congratulations on your interview at UTC!

I have an interview there tomorrow 1/24/04. Any advice? Any hint of the questions asked?

I have heard that they do have a 'nice' clinical component to the interview.

I just received another interview letter, at MCG (Augusta, GA), today. Do you know anything about the MCG interview process?

Good Luck!



Know clinical questions/information particular to your unit--for instance I was asked clinical questions about CICU. Also know your ethics or a situation where you were faced with an ethical dillemma. It really is not the bad...Just be calm and yourself! Good Luck---write back and let me know how it went! Tracy

So glad to hear that you got an interview. I am certain you did well. When do you find out?

Keep us posted! :roll


My interview at UTC Saturday went well (at least I think it did). I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the advice about the ethical issue. When I was in that situation my mind sort of went blank. I described two the end.

I actually felt better in the 'clinical' portion. Didn't you think it was nice the way the 8 people sat around you in sort of a semi-circle? My interview group nicknamed the MDA 'Rapid-fire' as he kept firing off questions before you even had time to answer the previous ones. I just made sure that I gave a complete answer to every question.

Of course, I had to say 'I don't know/don't work with that...' once or twice. It is my understanding that the interview committees want to make sure that you are teachable.

I described a trauma patient who went septic; as I work trauma/surgical ICU in downtown Atlanta. The patient I described didn't have a head injury. But, of course, the MDA took the questioning in that direction (for which I was prepared). The only gtt I had to talk about was Dopamine (which I brought up). I was so sure that they would ask, 'what else might you use in this sort of situation, & why?'. But, as my luck would have it, they didn't.

This next two weeks is going to seem like forever!

At least I'll know about UTC before my interview at MCG (Feb 20th). Then I will either go to the MCG interview quite confident (if I make it in @ UTC), or quite desperate to get in (if I don't make it in @ UTC).

Oh well, let me know your outcome...

Hey Barcom-

Thanks for your reply! I work in Atlanta too! I am glad to hear that your interview went well--what did you think about all of the program changes that were being made? I wish you the best of luck with your MCG interview or maybe I will be talking to you at UTC! Good Luck with everything!

Congrats to you both.. I work in Atlanta too... I have an interview at Univ. of Penn.. feb.. 12 th.. Brand new program so I dont know what to expect. Keep us updated.. My other program CAMC in WV meets on Feb.. 3 and then I guess about 2 weeks after that I will know.. THe waiting is miserable.. I am driving everyone at work and home crazy..... Take care all and hang in there..

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