Inpatient psych nurse/pt ratio


I'm considering a switch to psych and just curious. What is your nurse/pt ratio? What setting do you work in (acute care hosp vs psych facility)?

thanks ;)

Specializes in Mental health.

Auckland New Zealand, Work in Forensic Mental health:

Ratio is 15 patients and 8 staff on the acute ward. Ratio's thoughout the service vary depending on acuity. IMO 15:8 is the best ratio I have ever come across.

Auckland New Zealand, Work in Forensic Mental health:

Ratio is 15 patients and 8 staff on the acute ward. Ratio's thoughout the service vary depending on acuity. IMO 15:8 is the best ratio I have ever come across.

Thanks for your reply. I was starting to think I didn't post this correctly.

15:8 sounds great. I'm guessing when you say staff only some of the 8 are nurses...?? How many are nurses and what are the rest of the 8 staff members?

Specializes in Mental health.

I would say 5 of the 8 would be R.N's. The other 3 would be P.A's (psych assistants)

I would say 5 of the 8 would be R.N's. The other 3 would be P.A's (psych assistants)

Wow... that sounds like a great ratio, but I understand this probably has a lot to do with ratio. thanks :)

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

22 patients with 2 nurses and 3 techs....on a psych intensive care unit...

What do the ratios look like on night shift?

Specializes in Mental health.

In our acute service at night the patients are locked in their rooms. The ratio drops down to 3 staff to 15 patients.

One is always an R.N

22 patients with 5 staff in an acute forensic unit would be interesting. I'm sure it could be done, but I wouldn't be on the pay role.

Specializes in Psychiatric.

When I worked inpatient, I worked nights...our adult wing had 26 beds and was usually full b/c we were the only game in town, so to speak.

We'd have 2, sometimes 3 RNs...3 or 4 techs...and 26 patients.

On the geri-psych side, we had 15 beds but usually only 6-7 pts at a time. So we'd have 1, sometimes 2 RNs on that side, and 3 techs, depending again on # of pts on the unit.

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

Night shift: one nurse, one tech, for up to 22 patients (adult intensive care psych, not forensic)

Specializes in Psych, med surg.

We have three inpatient units and they all have different staffing.

Acute - 14 beds 3 RNs, 2 techs

Stable - 16 beds 3 RNs, 1 techs

Geri - 6 beds 2 RNs, 2 techs - They tend to have significant health problems.

At night, all units drop to 1 RN and 1 tech.

Specializes in Mental Health.

Tonight I am working on a medium security forensic unit. We have 41 male adult patients. I am the only RN and am working with 3 CNA's.

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