Info on APA source(resource)


Hi you all..I am getting ready to start prof nursing at UTA RN-BSN and was told that I need to buy APA the Easy Way..have you used any APA site that you can recommend?. I have Texas politics and Prof Nur to complete in 5 weeks so I need to be on the ball...thanks

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Why not just buy the APA manual itself?

Thanks for the suggestion, however, I have never done APA before and while I will be learning i really need help from an actual site.

Back when I needed it, all we had available was the manual. Now there are computer programs and more. Or you can always pay someone to format your papers.

Ok , I guess that would be like peerla then..thank you

ok I am still not sure which one.......peerla, end note, citation machine, knightcite, or easybibs?

hopefully this will help others too who has no clue of APA....Thanks

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I used PERRLA.

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