In Shock


I was called into a meeting by the principal with 4 days left of school. He is not returning and has a few issues with me. I have gotten excellent evals for 5 years. Last week I called 911 for a teacher and saw the princ earlier at school and didn't know he left early. The teacher had passed out during a massage they were treating us to. I had the Nurse Aide bring in the aed in case and had his sec call 911. The teacher was out for about 2-3 mins but still breathing with pulse and b/p 87/37. The paramedics got much higher than me. The AP was present. The next day he calls chewing me out why he wasn't notified. He left early that day and here was the following day. His sec was privately online on a 2 way and spoke up at the end. She didn't mention she was aware and had not told the princ. My nure boss was there along with a diff AP. The nurse boss said she should have been notified along with the benefit director in case the teacher used school ins. Next, he called in my Nurse Aid who I've worked with 5 years. She was asked to stuff envelopes 2 weeks by the princ. sec. (they are good friends and hang together after work). He said I questioned her about stuffing envelopes but all I said was be careful they may think you have nothing to do. Also she read books freq out open and I said be careful with jobs being eliminated. She secretly went back and talked with the sec who told the princ. He said there was no policy against reading on downtime and he needed the envelopes done and I shouldn't have said anything to her about them. My nurse boss agreed that all employees are separate and she doesn't have to get permission from me. They had me leave out and talked with my aide privately and had me return. They said since I was hostile and angry they would remove her immediately from the clinic and reassign one of us next year. I left out in tears. I was ganged up by all and no one cared about my tears. All the staff and students feel I am the nice one. THis aide sits quietly without communicating and said she feels she can't speak her voice for now 2 years. I couldn't believe it. We talk about our children together, laugh together and so on. I am still in shock. I just heard the aide laughing with the sec and princ who is working with odd and end work. No one has checked on me. The nurse boss sent a sub and over the phone I had to ask why she sided against me. She said personally everybody personality may conflict with others. She didn't say this in the conference against me. My eyes are red and I am wondering if I should look for a job elsewhere even though all the AP and princ are being transferred the sec will be back. I am hurt. This same Aide 2 yrs ago showed up at work going to the zoo without asking me. I speak and supervise soft and gently. How could this lady do this to me???

So sorry to hear all of that. If I were you I would take a night, write down all of your concerns and the facts as you know them, meet with your nurse boss again, and then set up a meeting with your bosses again to address your concerns about your job. I'd try to be as detached as possible emotionally (easier said than done!). Ask to outline a protocol of who you need to inform and how (can you just inform the principal's secretary if 911 is called and he is not there? If he is not in school, should you call his cell phone?). It can be hard when you have many administrators, assistant principals, and their staff involved--not to mention sorting out chain of command after an adrenaline-fueled situation. Personally, I think that it is silly that you don't really have authority over your nurse's aide, and can't assign which jobs she can and can't do--but that may not be the battle you need to fight now. If you are in a union, I'd contact them too and have a rep with you for further meetings.

Specializes in School Nursing.

Some principals are funny about 911 being called. I worked summer school at a school one year and the regular nurse told me that she was not allowed to call 911 without the principal's permission. I was dumbfounded. My first day on the job, I let the principal know that as the medical expert on campus, if I felt 911 was necessary I would be calling it immediately and while I will make reasonable attempts to notify her, I will not be delaying care to an injured or ill student or staff member while awaiting her approval. She was pretty flustered, but it is my license and I do not need anyone's "permission" to call 911 in a true emergency situation!

Since that experience, I have had a frank talk with every principal I have worked with about 911 calls. I do my best to make sure they are notified, but since I am with the "patient" I usually delegate this task to another staff member. I make sure to tell them that in an emergency, I will be calling 911 first and them second. Every other person I have worked with has been agreeable to this. I think it is all in how you phrase it and how you approach them. Taking a firm stance of patient care coming first...who can argue with that?

In the OP case, since the AP was present, I would assume the AP would notify the principal, but next time be sure to delegate this task directly. Make eye contact and tell them "I need you to call Ms. X and notify her of the situation".

Thanks for the responses. It is a little complex because he and both AP are being transf. bc low perf. I learnt he is soft for ladies incl. his sec. Her and my aide got close as friends over the last yr. So she was spreading rumors to her and he prejudged me even tho I've worked with him 4-5 yrs. His sec would take no blame even tho she told him the following a.m. I have been in the clinic all day by myself and he hasn't stuck his head in at all. He called this a.m. and asked me for the NA eval to send to HR. Not sure if that is routine. They want to transf one of us to another building. I told them I wanted to stay here and I had contacted AFT. It was a nurse bashing yest and I still feel the bruises inside. They think she is an angel. I have a inner office while her desk was open to the hall door. She is quiet and sneaky. I don't ever want to work with her again. The leaving princ. went out of his way to gather a conf. behind my back. I can't believe he thinks that low of me, but I like I said he's surrounde by women. Not sure what else can be done right now. The nurse boss and my princ goes to the same church and are close.

Specializes in kids.

To alleviate a lot of that, when I call 911, I always notify admin...we are in a small school, so if the ambulance shows up, everyone knows. If it is for a teacher, I am the one responsible for filing worker comp so that involves HR who is located at the admin office..sounds like a pretty toxic place .... maybe a change will be good?

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