In Scotland, AFC still not been assimilated! Anyone else?


Firstly a quick hello!

I am a RGN currently working in a large Scottish hospital in the main theatre department in both anaesthetics and scrub.

I've been in employment with the NHS since the AFC was first introduced back in Oct 2004, unfortunately my trust was one of the last to change over to AFC with the majority of nurses in my hospital changing over in January of this year.

Due to management errors I was informed I was an administration error!!! and had been missed out of the AFC process, despite numerous submissions of a total of 3 job descriptions, 2 at D grade and my more recent at E grade! As a result I was informed by the job matching panel that there was an 18 month backlog of nursing and healthcare staff to clear and since we don't receive any back dated money till 6 months after the date of your assimilation I am in-line not to receive any back money till early 2009!!!!

Is there anyone else out there possibly from one of the slower implementation sites in the same boat?

I now have absolutely no idea what to expect back pay wise and I was wondering if those who have been assimilated could answer a few questions for me...

*Did your back pay included deductions for Super-an and student loans?

*If you worked Sat/Sun/Nights before you were assimilated did they deduct anything from the final sum received for this overtime?

* Roughly how much money without prying do you think I am likely to receive based on what you got for back pay?

I appreciate all and any help/comments, many thanks in advance!


Forgot to mention that as a theatre nurse undertaking both scrub and anaesthetics we have been banded in band 5 Ds&Es with our Fs in band 6....

What band as an E are you in?...Just be interested to see the scale of descrepency between regions on this "Nationally agreed pay system" !

Specializes in med/surg.

My goodness - what a mess! I work in the Independent sector & our employer (who just happens to be a US company) has told us that they will not be implementing AfC at all.

In my old NHS job "D" grades were put into band 5 but "E" grades were band 6. However with the edges of the pay bands overlapping the actual pay they got amounted to the same as far as the difference went between the old "D" & "E" grades.

I think I got about £450 back dated as it took them about 8 months to get their act together - but that also included some time (3 months in fact) as a "B" grade while I was doing my return to nursing course.

Hope you don't end up waiting as long as 2009 - have you thought about speaking to your union? They might be able to put pressure on the Trust, as that seems a very long time to wait.

Specializes in acute medicine.

hi there i work in a scottish hospital and we too are having problems with the assimilation process most of us got our banding letters in december or january of this year all d and e grades were banded 5 f grades were banded 6 and the g grades still arent banded our back pay is coming in dribs and drabs since the letters were sent out they have paid a kind of bridging sum in our wages each month to make up for the short fall which seems ludicrous to me as we are banded on our wage slips but still havent seen the financial effect in our wages those that have received their lump sum back pay have ranged so far up and down the scale that no one has made sense of the formula used for working out what each person is due some band d workers have got average £1200 mid band e have got £200-£400 and the top e's have £1200-3600 someone in our trust even ended up owing a ridiculous sum like £1 apparently. i still havent had my back pay but hope to get it this month i am mid e so im not holding out much hope for any big money and then there is the argument in our new area that they are banded wrong because they are ccu and critical care should be band 6 but then theatres and a+e are also band 5.

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

I work in wales and I haven't even been banded yet, still waiting to go through the JAQ process. Sounds like scotland and wales are in the same boat really

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