In nursing school clinical did you experience discrimination / bias from instructor?

Nursing Students Male Students


Hey guys,

So I am an older male nursing student and I just failed a clinical course in pediatrics. Prior to this course I had great grades and very good clinical evaluations. Because this was a semester course and the Peds portion was during the 1st half, I went on to complete my OB clinical during the 2nd half and received a great evaluation. Therefore I know this Peds evaluation was bogus and biased. Unfortunately though, the department's policy is if you fail a clinical you are out of the program.

An acquaintance of mine talked to a nursing professor from another nursing school with a BSN program and told her about my situation. One of the comments that the professor made was that it is typical for males to have problems with clinical instructors in Pediactrics and OB clinicals, especially older males.

I definately believe this was the case in my situation. Without going into a lot of details, it was apparent on the first day of class that my instructor had issues with me and even stated that, "we have issues that we need to work on or we aren't going to pass the class". This culminated in her making many factual falicies on my final evaluation. Bottom line was, among other things, she did not like that I spoke up for myself when she accused me of doing something wrong or, more rightly put, she wrongly accused me of doing something I didn't do.

Anyway, I am defending myself based on the many different factors and not just on the gender bias and/or discrimmination I felt occured. I wanted to know though, if any of you on this forum ever faced any discrimination or gender bias in your clinical classes? What happened? What did you do about it? Do you have any literature that details statistics about gender bias/discimination in nursing schools (I'm having a hard time finding any)? Did any of you seek legal help for it? Who did you handle it with your school/department? How did they handle it?

Any help, info, input, discussion, encouragement you can offer would help.


Hey guys a little advice from a female. When I was in school the guys had no problem. Be yourself Be a guy you can still help out to lift stuff and help the instructors get props down and do the guy thing. Then everyone feels they are keeping with the same gender roles they are supposed to. Let your playful not stupid personality out you don't want them to think your stupid but dad nab it showem what you got so to speak. speak up in class let em know your smart and youll fit in and have friends get into the groups for studying and for goodness sake get numbers all over the place the first couple days of class so you can call people and they can call you about clinical work and class projects etc. God luv ya. Men make awesome nurses and we need you desperately if you truely think you are being discriminated against go to the higher ups early on got it now go kick some butt. smiles o4

I know your trying to help but I don't know what you mean by "do the guy thing". It's kinda like telling a girl to just be cute and write down what I'm saying.

I've experienced sexual discrimination in my program. OB clinical was just awful. Just document for future reference/litigation if needed and move on. If you get through it then its all a bad memory.

I know your trying to help but I don't know what you mean by "do the guy thing". It's kinda like telling a girl to just be cute and write down what I'm saying.

I've experienced sexual discrimination in my program. OB clinical was just awful. Just document for future reference/litigation if needed and move on. If you get through it then its all a bad memory.

I KNOW! What a moron she is for saying that.

Specializes in Corrections.

I can now lift heavy objects as an RN

Specializes in mental health.
I know your trying to help but I don't know what you mean by "do the guy thing". It's kinda like telling a girl to just be cute and write down what I'm saying.

I've experienced sexual discrimination in my program. OB clinical was just awful. Just document for future reference/litigation if needed and move on. If you get through it then its all a bad memory.

What sort of sexual discrimination did you experience in your OB rotation? Mine is coming up and the only thing I've heard is that some patients are not keen on male nurses. I've had no trouble with this in other rotations and don't expect any in OB.

I took her advice as more along the lines of..."be yourself and have fun". As for gender characteristics, there is a considerable overlap in my cohort. We have males who are very good at being cute and writing things down and females who can lift the front end of a VW off the ground.


Specializes in mental health.

The biggest trouble I see is that I have yet to have been assigned a female patient. .

Offer to help some of your fellow nursing students OR the techs with their patients(female).

I was also a student at University of Colorado College of Nursing, anybody willing to share their experiences with me in confident pls email me at [email protected]. I do have current pending cases with the Department of Education (federal) and Department of Justice againts University of Colorado CON and they are both doing great.

Anybody who has experienced unfair treatment due to their race, gender and dissabilities pls feel free to join me seeking justice and equality for all. I encourage everyone not to be coward and fight back (tactfully and peacefully ). So far I have filed complaints with Dept of Education (federal), Dept of Justice (Federal) , NACCP, who represent colored minorities, and HHS Office of Civil Rights.

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr

Read more:

Well, that's the way it goes sometimes. Can't beat the system when they decide to get you. Be advised that the moderators will censor the names from your enlightening post.

Could you tell me if your preceptor initials were AW, blonde hair, blue eyes Caucasian lady? Do you mind if you share your personal story with me please in confidential? [email protected]

You may want to reconsider posting your story in such detail in case you later decide on legal action. You don't want to put anything out there to be used against you and you don't want to invite retaliation for libel and slander. Public sites like this one are monitored by many, particularly when things start to get ugly.

how do I do it> let me edit the names

Go to your post, click on the blue edit button on the bottom right hand side, and go to town deleting and/or changing. If I were you, I would say something like "never mind" and delete the entire story. Or, you can contact the admins on the help desk link and get them to remove the post, but that takes time.

Hi! I'm not a male nursing student but an African-american nursing student at the University of Colorado. I just failed my med/surg clinical over a substandard care plan when I had just a few days ago I had a glowing midterm evaluation. Like you, I spoke up for myself and was advised that I needed to develop conflict resolution skills--funny. Also, like you, in order to justify failing me the instructor came up with a written justification that was chock full of falsehoods--it was like Alice in Wonderland!

I am planning on filing an official grievance because it was clear this instructor had issues with me from the very beginning. I was ignored by the other nurses while my white classmates were embraced and taught procedures and medication administration while I was busy bathing patients and changing sheets. Try to use the process by going to the dean. Staff at the university has more at stake in seeing minority nurses succeed. I am currently re-evaluating why I would want to be a nurse.

I'm sorry for your situation but now I don't feel so alone.

disgruntled in Colorado

Hi there I was also University of Colorado Nursing student. Do you mind sharing your stories with me pls?

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