Immunity problems on CNA physical, any input helps


So I'm currently in my certified nursing assistant program, I start my clinicals in less than two weeks and I have all of my physical requirements completed. My titers came in from the lab today and turned out that I am not immune to hepB, measles, mumps, rubella, etc. I know there have been large groups who have gotten janky vaccines in the past but I was born in 96 and had all of my child immunizations and immunizations before high school. Doc is thinking I should possibly see an immunologist. Any thoughts? Ps I'm a healthy individual otherwise, I do get regular bouts of strep and have some GI problems but I eat healthy and exercise regular. At a perfectly healthy weight. Thanks!

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Follow up with your PCP/see the immunologist if that is his recommendation. We can't really provide you with any other advice as it would border on/be offering medical advice which is against TOS.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Discuss if he feels you need to get the labs rechecked. I knew I was immune and came back not immune. I couldn't have vaccines at the time. So the physician had the labs redone. Rare occurrence.

Alert your school. There is a segment of the population that never has positive titers and hence those that covert offer protection to those who don't/can't

Here's one protocol:

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Per our Terms of Service, we cannot advise you what to do in regards to your health.

You need to continue speaking with your healthcare provider.

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