Published Jul 31, 2012
25 Posts
I have a disciplined license in Indiana for a fight that I got into as young adult, I am now 40 years-old. I went in front of the Indiana board of nursing in 2010 and they granted me a probationary license, due to the fact that it was over eighteen years old. I recently moved to Illinois and endorsed that license over . Again I appeared in front of Illinois board of nurses and they too granted me a probationary license: However, it's been three months and I have yet to recieve my nursing license number. I appeared to BON on May 11, 2012, today is July 30, 2012. Can anybody out there answer this simply question for me, I would greatly appreciate it.
How long does it take for Illinois to issue a diciplined nurse license?
Thanks In advance...
Signed, Tired
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
Unfortunately, you're at the mercy of your BON's timetable...and they can be notoriously slow when it comes to these things. Since it's been nearly three months, I would drop them a note/call to ask for an update and see if they need any further info.
Hope it is resolved soon.
I called the office in chicago today and spoke with a lady and she basicly hung up on me, just before she told me to contact my lawyer. My lawyer stated that my number should be up. This is a wild goose chase. I did not have this problem in Indiana. It's crazy. Thanks for the response Meriwhen, I appreciate it..
10 Articles; 18,929 Posts
Due to higher # of nursing licensee's and issues to review, BON is slower to respond per our members laments.
Thanks for the response Ms. NRSKarenRN. Im just tired of waiting is all.It took 6 monts to even get a response to my application. Smh...