Published Oct 19, 2003
peaceful2100, BSN, RN
914 Posts
I am getting ready to take NCLEX again on Tuesday and I am VERY scared. I have reviewed with Kaplans nursing course ever since I did not pass the first time. I have been really cool, calm and collected but now all of a sudden I have butterfly feelings in my stomach. I keep saying positive thoughts to myself. I did really well in school and thought I had finally got a hold of my test anxiety while I was in school.
Well, I have been doing practice questions and been keeping things in mind like:
3)How to priorize
3)Keep them breathing, Keep them safe
4)Make sure I read the question carefully without overanalyzing, without adding anything in that is not in the case or stem and without saying to myself well, what if.
5)Learning how to read ALL four answer choices without saying oh yeah 1 or 2 has to be right without even reading 3 or 4 to see if it is a better choice,
6)Learning how to STOP second guessing myself and going with my gut feeling.
7)If I honestly do NOT know the answer and I am stuck with what to choose between 2 answers I should go with the opposite of what I am thinking is right. Based on the practice questions I have done which have been at LEAST 3000 the answer I throw out is usually the answer I should have chosen in the first place ONLY if I honestly do not know the answer.
8)Remaing calm, take deep breaths in and deep breaths out.
9)If my exam goes past 100 questions I will take a mini break at 100 questions. My mind starts to wander after 100 for some reason.
10)Today Sunday, October 19th, 2003 is my LAST day of studying
Tomorrow Monday October 20th, 2003 the day before the exam I will spend the whole day pampering myself and relaxing, watching a comedy, exercise, go to bed early.
Tuesday Morning, October 21st, 2003. I will get up, do some mediation to soothing music, eat a health breakfast with LIGHT carbs, Protein, Limit myself to 1 cup of coffee rather than the 2 cups that I have and Limit the water I have so I don't have to constantly get up to go the bathroom.
(Don't mind me this really helps me out when I do things like this. Last time I did not do this.)
I will let you all know on Thursday my unofficial results that I can get online.
MiaLyse, APRN
855 Posts
Tonya, you've studied hard! It's normal to feel some anxiety but you know you've studied and that you will do your best. Good Luck!
I was bad, I studied the day before. No cd's but did read Frye's book of nursing facts. I had to read something nursing or I would have gone nuts.
Sounds like you have a good plan! :-)
285 Posts
Good luck Tonya! I took my NCLEX last Thursday, but I am too chicken to get my unofficial results, despite the fact they are in. You have prepared hard for this exam and tomorrow will be a good day for you to relax, so that you are ready on Tuesday. Like you said, just keep telling yourself that you will pass the NCLEX. Best wishes on Tuesday!
63 Posts
Good Luck. It sounds like you have the right type plan laid out! You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Edit: Actually forget the "Good luck". YOU WILL PASS!!!!
I am too chicken to get my unofficial results, despite the fact they are in>>
Oh Christine, I didn't want to look at mine either but a coworker had a good point. It would help end the anxiety surrounding the did I, didn't I pass, that I was putting myself through. The whole Nclex process is nerve wracking. ugh
90 Posts
U have a great nursing plan 4 passing your NCLEX on Tuesday. We know that U will pass! We R all rooting 4 U. I will keep U in my prayers 4 a successful Tuesday!!!
27 Posts
Relax, I just took the nclex and people have always told me to relax, it's the anxiety that kills you during the test. Just remember that you have 5 hrs! Relax, stay focus, and remember that it's just you and the test. Let us know how you do because we will be there to support you either way, but we know you will pass and become a sucessful RN.
Tonya, thinking about you this morning and sending positive vibes your way! :-)