I'm being "stalked" by the janitor!


:uhoh3: I have worked in many LTC facilities. It seems that I am always being "stalked" no matter which LTC I work in. It seems that everytime I do a "med pass" I am constantly being followed by a man with a wet mop in his hands. The med pass itself is difficult enough. I then have to worry about slipping on the wet floor and breaking my neck too. I am wondering if anyone else is being "stalked" by their janitor?
Specializes in Utilization Management.

A couple of nights ago, we got 13 admissions in 3 hours! Of COURSE, the break room floor had to be WAXED :rolleyes: --with all the furniture out in the hall to give the poor ER transporters something to steer around.

We all just loved the janitor for that.:angryfire

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).
is he short and bald and act like fred flinstone and kind of breathe loudly?

Hey, now!

yeah!!! enough already.:p

we all know that we are the best looking, most intelligent, most efficient and most personable people on the face of the earth -:rolleyes:- here, you're just one of the crowd -- we're all perfect ya know!:rotfl:


A couple of nights ago, we got 13 admissions in 3 hours! Of COURSE, the break room floor had to be WAXED :rolleyes: --with all the furniture out in the hall to give the poor ER transporters something to steer around.

We all just loved the janitor for that.:angryfire

:chuckle Thanks all for your great posts! Yikes! 13 admissions in 3 hours! Of course, the break rooms have to be waxed at the most inconvient time! How awful! No place to take a break!!! :angryfire

Specializes in ER/Nuero/PHN/LTC/Skilled/Alzheimer's.

Yes, the janitor on my unit thinks that whenever I'm at the nurses' station its a good idea to come and sit down for a chat. Sorry, but I thought I was supposed to work here!

Specializes in Utilization Management.
How awful! No place to take a break!!!

Nobody could even think about a break, that wasn't the worst.

No, what was the worst was, the huge noisy fan blowing the floor dry, the awful stink of the fresh wax, and having all the break room furniture out in the hallway to steer the beds past.

:chuckle Well I sure hope my janitor doesn't decide to ever clean the break room when I'm ready to take my break! I don't want to contribute to "workplace violence" but I'm afraid I might explode if it ever happens to me.

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