I'm New!

Nurses General Nursing



My name is Eric and I'm new to the board. I am currently not a nurse but starting this fall, will start work on my ADN. I then plan on enrolling in MUSC's ADN-BSN program and somewhere in the middle of all that, getting my RN license. After my BSN, I want to specialize in Anesthesia by becoming a CRNA. My ultimate plan is to get a doctorate and become a full fledged Anesthesiologist.

On a personal note, I am 24, married, and the father of an 8 month old little girl. I'm from the Charleston, SC area and love the coast. My hobbies include gourmet cooking and composing instrumental piano music.

Anyway, just wanted to state my career path and introduce myself. Hope to get to know all of you. Best of wishes.



Welcome to allnurses.com Eric. We South Carolinians need all the attendance we can get. Where are you going for your ADN? Would it be possible to go to MUSC for the BSN as your entry?

I went to USC but in my heart I always wanted to be an MUSC graduate.

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