I'm Looking for a Organic Chemistry with Lab Online



I am looking for an Organic Chemistry with Lab or Intro to Organic & Biochemistry with Lab offered online. Can anyone recommend a good school that has this online?


Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

How can you do lab online?

Most Online Science courses with lab have what is called a virtual lab. Also depending on the class, you can do the lab experiments at home with your own lab kit that you buy and forward your results to your teacher. I have found 1 school, but it cost about $1000 for this one class.

Do you need it for the fall semester? I know Valencia Community College has one online. It might be full already but check it out anyway, they drop people for non-payment on August 14. Good luck!


Specializes in Geriatrics, dementia, hospice.


This is an older post, so I'm not sure if you ever found an appropriate course.

If not, the Iowa Community College Online Consortium offers a good course via Clinton Community College. The course, Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry, is completely online and includes a lab (4 semester hours); it is also reasonably priced (under $600, which was the cheapest I could find that included a lab). We used ChemLab software for most of our virtual labs.

I learned a great deal from the course and highly recommend it.



If not, the Iowa Community College Online Consortium offers a good course via Clinton Community College. The course, Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry, is completely online and includes a lab (4 semester hours); it is also reasonably priced (under $600, which was the cheapest I could find that included a lab). We used ChemLab software for most of our virtual labs.

Hi Wendy,

I'm considering applying for this class. Would you be able to offer any more info on this class? Level of difficulty, how much time you spent per week on the work, etc.

Thank so much!

Specializes in Geriatrics, dementia, hospice.

Hi and my apologies for the late reply!

The Clinton Community College course was definitely challenging, but also (in my opinion) fair. The instructor gave a decent amount of extra credit as well.

Overall, I probably spent about five hours per week on the course and achieved a high A (about 98% after factoring in extra credit) in the end. For me, less is often more when it comes to studying. I read the chapters, took the quizzes/exams, did the assignments, and only referred back to the text when I got an answer wrong. I reviewed for the midterm and final strictly from the quizzes and chapter exams--and usually just an hour or two before the (proctored) midterm and final exams.

For more difficult points or for streamlined clarification, I also used the free online organic chemistry CliffNotes.

Hope this helps!

Thank you so much, Wendy! It's really helpful to know what to expect.

Wendy, who did you have? My friend and I have it now, but I have a very easy instructor and she has a very difficult one. I got lucky! She has an extraordinary amount of work, but I don't and am quite enjoying it.

Specializes in Former CNA &PCT.

Maybe looking at a community college nearby that offers the course may be easier....and cheaper. $600 dollars for one class seems horribly steep! I'll be done with my Gen Chem II after this semester (am on spring break woohoo...but catching up on reading for courses :rolleyes: ). I will be taking Gen Organic I and II during the upcoming fall and spring at my local college (not uni). It costs $30 a credit hour and my instructor is very good! I'm not sure of everyone's circumstances but best of luck to you all :):):)

Specializes in Geriatrics, dementia, hospice.

Hi there!

We're not allowed to refer to instructors by name on these forums. However, I did have a gentleman with five characters in his last name and a PhD, if that helps.

Dr. 12345 was great!

I also took 2 chemistry courses online at Clinton Community College, Iowa.


Highly recommended!

It's complete with the lab portion too.

email me if you need more information on the courses and the name of the instructor.

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