I'm a 2012 graduate, where to begin...

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello everyone!

So long story short... graduated from school 5 years ago, took the NCLEX and bombed it twice... life happened and I pushed nursing to the side... no matter how successful I am in everything else in my life, a part of me feels empty... I miss nursing!

Been trying to figure out where to begin again... I live in a small town and my resources are very minimal... so online classes or tutoring is ideal... giving myself give or take 3 months... and any recommendations is welcomed...

thankyu for for your time...

I'm interested too St1ybal1y. I just sent you a friend request.

I was out of school for 3 years and I too just passed my RN boards. You will be surprised at how much info comes back to you once you start studying. I used U world, LA charity, and Remar review quick facts book it was short and sweet. I also subscribed to remar review YouTube channel it has free lectures. You can do it! And you will do it. Have faith and believe you can and you will do it!!!

I graduated in 2012 and passed NCLEX-RN this past April. I used LaCharity PDA from Feb-Mar 15, then UWORLD from Mar 15-Apr 24 (my test date was Apr 25); so UWORLD exclusively for roughly 5-6 weeks before I tested. UWORLD is a game changer. I highly recommend it if you haven't gotten it already. Best of luck to you; you can do it! :)

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