I'm applying to ABSN programs but I never took an A&P lab!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm currently looking for accelerated BSN programs but a lot of colleges want a lab with A&P and I never had one. I graduated from Michigan State University and anatomy and physiology are two separate classes with no lab. I know that I can apply to MSU and U of M in Michigan, but I'm wondering if people know of any universities outside MI that don't require a lab.

But most of all, has anyone ever had the lab waved?? Has anyone out there who hasn't had a lab ever been accepted to a program that requires a lab?

Also just taking a lab doesn't seem to be an option. MSU doesn't have one unless you are a med student and the community colleges around me have it only combined with the class so I just can't take the lab. :uhoh3:

This may be a silly question, but why not enroll in a community college A&P course with a lab component?

This may be a silly question, but why not enroll in a community college A&P course with a lab component?

Because I have already taken anatomy and physiology and passed them. It seems silly to go back and retake the whole class just for a lab... and I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to or can't retake classes you passed. So that's why I'm asking if anyone ever had it waved.

Specializes in ER, IICU, PCU, PACU, EMS.

The best advice I have is speak to the admissions person at the university. I am in the same boat, I didn't have a lab and received A's in my A&P classes. Guess what class I'm taking at a local community college this spring? :rolleyes:

Make some phone calls and see what they say. It'll determine if you need to visit your community college.

Good luck!

Because I have already taken anatomy and physiology and passed them. It seems silly to go back and retake the whole class just for a lab... and I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to or can't retake classes you passed. So that's why I'm asking if anyone ever had it waved.

Definitely check with the admissions office. I just believe you gotta do what you gotta do to get to the end result you are seeking. So if the programs that you are interested in require a lab component, you take the lab component, even if it means repeating the lecture portion.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

I can't imagine any ABSN program accepting A&P courses that did not include labs (I am not saying for sure that they do not exist, but based on my research into schools, I have not seen a legitimately accredited school that would waive labs).

I took A&P as an undergrad 20 years ago and back then they were 3 credit courses with labs. On their face on my transcript, they look like simple lecture courses but no, I remember dissecting minks and cow eyes and stuff like that. And I was hard pressed to even find the course descriptions and syllabi for those classes to prove that there were labs (if I recall, the syllabi were that purple ink mimeograph copy, YIKES :eek:). The issue is moot however ... the ONLY reason I retook the courses last year was because most schools don't accept A&P taken more than 5-10 years ago. So I retook them (this time they were 4 credits with labs) and did just as well as I did the first time. In hindsight, glad I retook them as is was quite a great refresher (and on top of that, I got an excellent professor to get a recommendation from :) )

I'd be interested to hear the results of this, good luck!

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