Published Jan 11, 2014
278 Posts
Do you think I could cut that 3 month prep at the end to 1.5?I plan to watch robs video several times a week (no idea how long it is)Practice at least an hr everyday, there will be a couple days a month where I do 3 hours.Careplan prep once a month. Before you suggest I don't because it may take time away from exam study realize that I have more potential study time than the average person. I have 8 hours of potential study time at my job, and 8 hours of potential study time at home. 8 hours of sleep a day. So that's 16 hrs daily as far as POTENTIAL. More realistically, on average ill probably be pulling 10 hrs based on the idea I may take a break at work to watch a movie or show or something (home case overnight ) and some downtime at home or to do errands.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I moved your post to the EC forum.
My advice is to focus on the CPNE when you get to that point - CPNE eligibility. If you have so much study time, you should use it to cruise through the theory exams at a faster pace. Trust me when I tell you that CPNE prep shouldn't be divided by distractions. Just my opinion and experience.
Ok. Its just because I wanted to graduate in July but I guess that won't happen. I'm taking everything, all prereqs included from scratch. I think ill not regret not rushing later..thanks
Unfortunately there are some timelines you can't control -- the FCCA is going to take you 8 weeks no matter how you slice it, you can't finish that one early and you can only take it at certain times. Then after that, there is applying for the CPNE and waiting for a date, which will probably take you another couple of months at the very least. It used to be possible to get it done in under a year, but now? Not so much.
LunahRn, I heard some people say they finished the fcca in one day and some ppl make it out to be this big thing that it is not. So now I'm a bit confused. I really dont want to spend 2 months on care plans. How early can i be fcca eligible or do i have to complete all 7 exams before being eligible. As far as the cpne I also heard waiting isn't really an issue in new york. I plan on taking it at the site in queens.
The FCCA is eight weeks long. It's information literacy that takes one day. I believe you have to complete all nursing theory exams to be FCCA-eligible, and you have to hit the FCCA start date just right. Waiting is always an issue, even for NPAC sites, though that region is a little faster because it has the most test sites. Not trying to be a downer, just keeping it real. This is going to take you a while.
LunahRN Youre right I guess I did get mixed up with info lit. now im bummed. I didn't know thee FCCA would be so long. what is your opinion on just watching robs videos once a week throughout the program or do you feel that would be a distraction as well?
Don't bother, it won't really make much sense until you can give your CPNE studies your undivided attention. Seriously.
BarbaraNM, ASN, RN
507 Posts
Hi! Good luck to you! If you are just now starting prereqs and have to take everything... plan on 1-2 years. July is not a reasonable goal! You will want to really learn and understand everything, since the FCCA and CPNE will hinge on your knowledge and critical thinking! You seem very motivated, which will definitely help!! :)
hii Barbara! Im actually aiming for 1 year now! Im cleping everything except Micro, a&p, English, algebra and info lit. I wanted to breeze through it at first not too worried about b's and c's but I recently rekindled an old determination to get into a crna program so I am really really wanting to ace most of my exams. Thanks for the advice!
Yes, definitely go for the good grades! First.. to truly understand the material, not just get through the exams, and Second... going for CRNA, they will want high grades!
I did the prereqs I still needed (Math, Dev Psych, Eng101, Info Lit) in the summer of 2012 and enrolled Sept 27, 2012. Slacked for 6 months... But then did Micro, all 8 Nursing Exams, and FCCA March-December 2013. Now getting ready for CPNE. They say 4-6 month wait is possible.
Wish you the best!
Exactly! So im glad I wised up! I had some false belief that EC didn't give grades so I wouldn't have a gpa, was that dumb or what? I live in NY, supposedly the wait time isn't as long at the locations here. Im taking it at the site in Queens :). I really wish you the best on your cpne I know you can see the light!