I'd kill you

Nurses Relations


I was switching from diprivan to versed drip on a vented patient a few days ago because his blood pressure was down. The diprivan ran out and I turned on the versed. The patient kind of came awake for a short time and I was comforting him while the medicine started to kick in.

My charge nurse (a real butthead) comes in and says, "Thats stupid, you shouldnt have stopped the diprivan yet. If I was your patient I'd be ****** and track you down and kill you when I got better"

I think that is a completely inappropriate thing to say to another nurse. Any one agree.

I will most likely be quitting this job today.

I've had enough.

So happy you did not quit !!! Some things are uncomfortable at times but, you just have to stick it out until something better comes along.

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