Published Apr 26, 2008
18 Posts
Sorry to have to start a new thread, but I have a situation. Thoughts and input appreciated!
I was in a small ICU for about 9 months. Loved it, but had to relocate for various reasons. My company dillydallied around until moving day, literally, to solidify a transfer offer, unfortunately NOT to another ICU, but another med/surg type unit. Great manager thus far and coworkers, but man do I ever miss critical care!!
so now I have been offered a position at a place I applied during my mass applications before being offered a transfer, but it is about an hour away. It is a B-A-U tiful ICU, (trauma, neuro, med, surg-in different pods but the opportunity to work in various areas is GREAT!) new, so pretty....LOL but they are all about education, which is huge for me, pretty much my dream job, great benes, etc.
only down side really is the commute, and the change in jobs. so I guess I am just contemplating my options. I have only been a nurse 2 years, love it, and if anyone else feels my pain/dilemma, sigh.....(literally). I so miss responding to RRT alerts, Code blue, you name it.
I have also asked about a transfer to ICU after 6 months, but was told "no guarantees."
SO heres the question:
Do I tough it out for a while hoping to get another position elsewhere-though I have applied locally with NO success? or go for the great job a bit further away until my resume is stronger and experience can bring me closer to home? ARGH:bugeyes:
I often wondered if I would find my niche, and bam! my lightening struck. Its true, you either absolutely hate crit care, or you love it.
I not only love it but I live it:redbeathe........and miss it already:crying2:. by the way, I am also the only one with ACLS on my new unit-what does that tell you?
Thanks guys.
nrsang97, BSN, RN
2,602 Posts
If the drive isn't that big of a deal then go to the ICU since it is where you love. I really think you will be happier being back in a type of unit you love. You and only you can for sure say what is right.
64 Posts
Go where you are the truly does affect the product of your work. Any possibility that you can move a lil closer to the new job, like mid-way?
805 Posts
It's a personal desicion. I drive an hour and pass at least 5 hospitals to the large teaching hospital ICU that I work in.
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
Have to agree with whats already been said it's personal preference. I have always commuted to work in the units I wanted to be so if it were me I would communte. I loved ICU so was prepared to travel, My sister wouldn't dream of working anywhere she would have to travel more than 10 minutes to.
I actually just moved, so no I cant move again! but good idea.....
Also got a call back from the CNS, and feel more like this is where I need to go! such great educational opportunities.
I actually just moved, so no I cant move again! but good idea.....Also got a call back from the CNS, and feel more like this is where I need to go! such great educational opportunities. Thanks!:wink2:
That's great, if it feels right then I am sure you will love it
good luck
seanpdent, ADN, BSN, MSN, APRN, NP
1 Article; 187 Posts
I drive the distance you are talking about for a job similar in description... I've been doing it for 2 yrs now.. and can't imagine anything else. Go with where your passion is!!!
144 Posts
Sounds to me like you really have already made up your
I have always driven at least 45 minutes to my hospital of choice and have driven as far as almost 90 minutes to be where I wanted to be. I use the down time in my van as a chance to destress, rejuvenate, or to even listen to lectures or other nusring things during the drive.
I say with go where your heart tells you. Educational opportunities are a wonderful thing.