Published Dec 23, 2010
4 Posts
Hi all, I got accepted to a nursing program ! so I just did the back ground check and drug screen(urine) like others.
Everything went well except 1 thing: my drug result says : Negative/ dilute.
At first, I didn't know what that meant, so I asked around (some nurses ); and they said that means there was too much water in my urine specimen which could make the drug test unacceptable.
. Then, I asked the staff at my nursing school if my result was good or not; or should I retake the test. They said since the result is negative, so I dont need to do anything unless lab. people call me to do so !!!
I wished I didn't drink too much water on that urine test day ! No one warned me not to drink water b4 the test ! Usually I drink heck of water in the morning b.cuz I skip breakfast most of the time.
I was always confident about my drug test, but I feel worried and uncomfortable this time !The worst thing is I feel like people think I am a cheater ! People would loose trust on me! hixhix Poor me:(
Is there anyone in this situation like me? Then What happened ? What were your solutions?
PS: Do NOT drink water at least 3 hrs b4 urine test ! I learned it the hard way !
521 Posts
Really? I have to drink 2 qts of water to be able to perform a urine analysis (nearly a decade of random "quizzes" and I never could go on demand with someone watching me unless I had a very full bladder), and have never had a single one come back questionable.
2ndyearstudent, CNA
382 Posts
Your test result was good news. Do yourself a favor and don't dehydrate before taking a urine test.
Or any test. Water is good.
lifelearningrn, BSN, RN
2,622 Posts
I wouldn't worry about it. If the thought the test was inconclusive they'd call you in for another.
Personally, I always drink lots of water before any kind of urinalysis because I won't be able to pee without it. lol
iPink, BSN, RN
1,414 Posts
I don't get why your worried.
P.S. Don't skip breakfast.
190 Posts
9 Posts
At our school a dilute test is grounds for a retest and if it is dilute again its and automatic disqualification...
Drinking water is a disqualifying factor? I don't get it.. aren't the test sophisticated enough to detect drugs? I drink a LOT of water, I can't imagine 'failing' a drug test because I drink too much water.
I'll have to remember to schedule my drug test for first thing in the morning.. and just 'hold' it when I wake up until I get to the testing center. lol