I WILL BE A NURSE(even after reading this board)


Thank you....I know what I want to do and I will do it....I plan on being one of the top in my class too,lol. I'm being positive! I am 30 and I have been considering this option for about 7 years, but circumstances in my life made it hard, but finally I can do it...I look so forward to this....I know that it will not be easy, but who knows what will be going on in this profession by the time I am out of school...I guess I will wait and see...email me anytime.....

Just wanted to tell you that it is great that you are choosing nursing. I have been an RN for a very short time and I still with all the frustrations and fears, love it!! That is not to say that you have your really great days and really bad days. I think this board is great though. It is honest discussion about real feelings and frustrations. I find it very supportive even when the tougher issues and frustrations are discussed! I am glad there is somewhere to go and you are right it is easier to talk to people who understand just where you are. Good luck to you, it sounds like you will be great! smile.gif

YEs I hope I made that point well...alot of peopel who air their frustrations here I believe do so because they really can't do so anywhere else....not at work...not at home(who would know what you were talking about anyway) Here are people that are going through the same things. I told one of the girls that I do work with right now that if I could get along with all of the co workers I have at the present time then I could be a nurse,lol. I hope that by being a continous visitor of this board I will pick up on things and ideas that may help me in the future....

God bless the Robin1970's of the world!!!! I have been an RN for 24 years, and am currently upgrading to a BSN. I wanted to be a nurse since I was 8, and I have never once regretted my choice! The current nursing shortage where I live is at a critical level, and without people like you, who the heck will look after me in my dottage! (coming soon, I might add)? This is my first foray into a "chat room" ever, and I'm delighted with the opportunity to connect with my nursing colleagues. Thank you allnurses.com!!!!!

Originally posted by Robin61970:

Thank you....I know what I want to do and I will do it....I plan on being one of the top in my class too,lol. I'm being positive! I am 30 and I have been considering this option for about 7 years, but circumstances in my life made it hard, but finally I can do it...I look so forward to this....I know that it will not be easy, but who knows what will be going on in this profession by the time I am out of school...I guess I will wait and see...email me anytime.....

There are days when I feel like I am reaarranging deck chairs on the titanic during my shift but I can honestly say that despite short staffing, bad attitudes of co-workers, and pay issues, there is rarely a night that I don't feel really great about something I did that made a difference in a patient's day. Last night a family member of a cancer patient in my care with chronic pain told me that he is awestruck at the unselfishness of nurses and asked me if I knew that the public views us with the highest regard. I don't do it for the complements but moments like these remind me that what we do is so very valuable and there are few professions that give back to you in this way.

Good for you. Nursing is a noble, honorable and intrinsically rewarding profession. However, I would not view posts as negative if I were you. Forewarned is forearmed. It should be obvious that nurses would not be discussing these issues if they didn't exist. I do not think anyone should lie or even coat the truth as it has become clear there's a healthcare crisis and who doesn't read the newspapers or watch the news? Those who are determined to pursue nursing as a profession, I believe, will continue to do so with the hope that the appropriate changes will come. Those that are scared should know that nurses are working for change. The problem is not with the nurses who are tired and venting on these boards. The problem is with administrators putting the emphasis on the bottomline rather than on patient care, and whether you are a veteran nurse or a student, you should know that. It will be history.

Well, I have been reading through things on this board for days and while I may agree with some I don't agree with others(and before anyone makes a comment about it...I am going into the ADN program, but am not there yet). I have always been somewhat of a so called caregiver....I take care of anyone and everyone around me in one way or another. I have wanted to be a nurse for a very long time and I will be a nurse someday(even after reading some of the comments on this board). There are good things and bad things in any and every profession out there...this is a fact of life, but do any of you feel that you may be "scaring off" potential nursing canditates? I had my mind made up before even coming to this board, but those that don't will probably run screaming after reading some of this...makes it kind of difficult to get more people,lol.

Everyone has a right to their opinion and this is mine. As for money...where I live the best place to work is the Whirpool factory( I work there and make 13 an hour, but I hate it....) That is the best job here so I feel that I don't have alot to lose...I would make more as a nurse and there is a shortage....thats how I look at it. And for those who are visiting here...I think alot of people who post here are airing their frustrations....we all have those...it's alot more fun to air them with people who know what you are talking about than those who don't. So some may have a chip on their shoulder....someday they will choose to stay in the profession or not.....their choice....Have a good day....

I don't fell that I viewed everything as negative...I read through alot of things on this board and I tried to look at things from both sides....as I stated there are good and bad in every job...those are facts, but I have seen posts from people who were considering nursing and have changed their minds9 although I believe they must not have really made up their minds to drop it just because of others posts. I look forward to being a nurse and I can't wait to get started...I started this post just to let people know my "opinion" and not to start a debate....I also wanted those who had not decided to be able to look at the topic and be able to read positive things about the profession as well....maybe by seeing both the positive and negative they can make a more informed decision....

Robin - I admire your goal to be at the top of your class in nursing school. That's a lot of stress and pressure. I know because that was my intention too. I started school in the middle of a break-up, financial woes, and bouncing a colicky 5 week old baby on my knee. With 3 weeks left and a 3-way tie for top in my class, I broke down and informed the Director of Nursing Ed. I was quitting. Luckily, she talked me out of it and encouraged me to be a little easier on myself and slack up. Just some advice - do your best but don't beat yourself up. Wishing you the best!



Best of luck to you Robin! Hopefully, hospital conditions will have improved considerably. If not, there are many other areas in nursing worth exploring.

Hi Robin. Welcome! As others have pointed out, you are reading between our lines and deciding for yourself what you think may work for you. Nursing can provide many avenues for you to find work you like. You just have to have both a long and short term goal and stay focused. Realize that many of us come into the profession "carrying the weight of the world" on us and are sometimes not able to objectively assess what is really going on around us and within us. Also, realize as a nurse, you do not work in a vacuum, and it behooves you to establish positive ties with workers from other professions, whether its the housekeeper, a clerical, a therapist, a physician, a board member, or the like.

Nursing is an all-encompassing profession. At this time, it still ranks ahead of all other professions in patient satisfaction even though we have a multitude of problems within and outside our ranks. That says alot for a profession that's looked down upon by many in the virtual and the real world. Best wishes.

I plan on doing it,lol...I didn't say I would be! Ha....just trying to have a positive outlook on it, thanks

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