I want to call shenanigans!

Nurses General Nursing


Ok this may be a little silly but I thought I would ask some fellow nurses here on AN.

Say you are allergic to mushrooms? Is it possible to have an allergic reaction from just being in the presence of a "cooked mushroom." Even if you have not ingested any of it or even touched it, in any way shape or form. It's a long story that accompanies why I am asking,it's mildly humorous in itself. But I am no way shape or form saying that food allergies are not serious. Just that I personally have not heard or seen anyone who had an allergic reaction just from being in the presence of a food that they were allergic too. Has anyone ever witnessed this?

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.
Yes, people can develop an allergic/anaphylactic reaction from merely being in the presence of substances that trigger an allergy.

My husband is super sensitive to most powdered soaps. He can become itchy and feel agitated just walking down the detergent aisle in the store. I can tell within minutes of walking into a house I've never been to before if a cat resides there. If this can happen with non-food items, why wouldn't it also take place with edibles? In fact, cooking a substance would increase the likelihood of releasing molecular amounts into the air.

Because of this, people with severe peanut reactions sometimes have to notify airlines when they are traveling so the flight can be made peanut free. It isn't enough for just the allergy-sufferer to avoid the food. No one around them can indulge either.

But in the case you mentioned, it sounds like this girl is using dramatics to avoid future mushroom contact or she really believes her own hype. In either case, it might be easier for your brother to find a new girlfriend than for you guys to change her mind. :D

BTW, I always thought that Shenanigans would be a great name for a bar.

I learned something new today. If I would have thought about it a little longer I would have realized that myself. lol. thank you. no sarcasm intended at all. She tends to have a flair for the dramatic is a drama major. :) Without literally assessing her I would presume she was being dramatic. I also forgot to to mention that she was fine while she was in the car with me bringing that mushroom pizza home. oh well chalk it up to the exagerrative tendies of a 20 year old.

A 20 yo drama major? Say no more. :D

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

YES! One can definitely have a severe allergic reaction to something simply in the air. For example, I am deathly allergic to a certain scent...it is of the male bovine etiology and usually involves used food.

J/K OP. Just wanted to make you laugh! The GF sounds like a total jackwagon. Seriously, why doesn't she just ASK your brother for more attention instead of resorting to dramatic displays of 'life threatening' allergies?

YES! One can definitely have a severe allergic reaction to something simply in the air. For example, I am deathly allergic to a certain scent...it is of the male bovine etiology and usually involves used food.

J/K OP. Just wanted to make you laugh! The GF sounds like a total jackwagon. Seriously, why doesn't she just ASK your brother for more attention instead of resorting to dramatic displays of 'life threatening' allergies?

Because then she couldn't use the dramatic skills she is going to school for. You silly!

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.
Because then she couldn't use the dramatic skills she is going to school for. You silly!

AH! The lightbulb went off. She is utilizing Method Acting. Maybe one of her characters is severely allergic to mushrooms. Hmm....

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.
Because then she couldn't use the dramatic skills she is going to school for. You silly!

So true!! We are from North Central West Virginia, I'm not sure where she thinks she is going to use that Liberal Arts type degree. It's funny because I am allergic to drama queens!!

Of my five kids, 4 have nut allergies. My six year old was standing next to a bag of walnuts and told me her throat was itchy. By the time we got to the car for benadryl her one eye was almost swollen shut and hives were popping up on her neck, face and arms! Scary. My youngest had eyes swollen shut, hives and wheezing with banana baby food at 4 month old. Just had a Popsicle last week(1 bite) and hives around mouth with wheezing. Just ridiculous!!! So I guess my point is, you are right. True allergic reactions are (excuse the pun)dramatic! Sounds like attention seeking to me.:)

Food allergies can also develop in someone who has previously been unaffected by the food (or meds, whatever). For someone w/peanut allergies, some Oriental restaurants that prefer peanut oil to stir fry are also off limits.

I'd err on the side of caution with anyone who claims an allergy- whether they're FOS or not....:) Even drama-divas can drop dead ! And that would be very decidedly unfunny :eek:

YES! One can definitely have a severe allergic reaction to something simply in the air. For example, I am deathly allergic to a certain scent...it is of the male bovine etiology and usually involves used food.

J/K OP. Just wanted to make you laugh! The GF sounds like a total jackwagon. Seriously, why doesn't she just ASK your brother for more attention instead of resorting to dramatic displays of 'life threatening' allergies?

Yeah- might not be a bad idea to talk to her...if she's crying wolf, and not around someone who would recognize early s/s anaphylaxis, she could be toast by the time anyone knew something was really wrong.... a few minutes could be crucial. OR, has she seen bad reactions and thinks she could have them (fear vs allergy).....lots of possibilities to let her 'out' of this gracefully.... :)

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.
So true!! We are from North Central West Virginia, I'm not sure where she thinks she is going to use that Liberal Arts type degree. It's funny because I am allergic to drama queens!!

In retrospect my allergic to drama queen statement may have been out of line. I'm in no way trying disrepct anyone who suffers or knows someone who suffers from food allergies. If I offended anyone I sincerly apologize.

It was all good fun, she's a kind funny girl who makes my brother happy, and if she can do that then I can deal with a little over dramatzation from time to time. :)

Specializes in ..

I am highly allergic to fish and shellfish. For many years I could not be anywhere that fish or shellfish had even been cooked!! Smelling it would cause a reaction and the last time I ended up in the ED was because I shook hands with someone who had eaten seafood hours earlier. We couldn't figure out what caused the reaction and the following day the guy's wife told us he'd eaten low country boil at lunch. Once ended up in the ED because someone decided to reheat some fish in the microwave at work (the boss was more than happy to use my reaction as an excuse to ban reheating fish at work, whole 'nother thread). Needless to say, I'm super careful about what I come into contact with.

I used to know a girl in church choir that was so allergic to peanuts she had to sit at a different table then anyone who had a PB and J sandwich.

Rough existence huh? Can't imagine how she flies on airplanes!

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