I used to care about a's and b's in ns, until........................................


hello, I :bugeyes: used to care about getting A's and B's in NS, however, lately C's are excellent in my book. I am currrently in advanced MED/SURG, I understand the material but the test are difficult. C's are hard to come by these days and I am trying not to get discouraged. I only pray for a C which in my case is 80%. I am a high acheiver but somewhere in the last 3 weeks I just want a C. Anyone else feel like this:bowingpur NS breaks me down. Why do they make it soo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I currently am at 76%) yep, that's failling.:angryfire

Specializes in PCU Regional Heart Unit.

I've been studying my rear end off, I'm in the second semester now adult med/surg. I put in at least 20 hours of study time for our first test on Renal/COPD and got a 68%. I do about 200 NCLEX questions a day and still cant get a passing grade. I'm worried this is it for me. I'm meeting with my professor on Tuesday to hopefully get some sort of direction when taking these ridiculous tests. I will need an 88% on the next test to stay in the game. Talk about pressure. I always think ABC's when answering the questions but many times it is not the case. I'm just so frustrated. My family is frustrated for me because they see all that I put into this. I just dont get it, I'm awesome in clinicals, quick on my feet when asked questions, great at assesments, know my meds, nail the care plans etc. Unfortunately this is only 2.5% of our grade. What a joke. It seems like all that matters to them is our test grades which make up 75% of our final grade. Luckily there is a paper in there to help bring up the average. I've gone over the sites to help with critical thinking skills but still dont seem to GET what they are looking for. If I get any advice from my instructor, I will surely share :mad:

I'm right there with you!! I currently have a B but only an 88 and a 86 is a C. I'm just frustrated and tired of NS...ahhh!!

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