I think I am ready to take the plunge

Nursing Students Online Learning


Specializes in Med Surg/Oncology.

Ok everyone. After months of hee hawing back and forth.....should I or shouldn't I.....I have decided to give Excelsior my full attention. I will be sending my application out tomorrow morning.

A few questions......how long after sending out your application....were you able to start taking classes??

I have all but 3 of my prereqs done for the RN bridge over program here in Florida. I just can't find time to take the actual college classes and work full time.

Do you all have study groups or anything that you use to help you study through the material?

Did anyone set up a timeline and follow it to stay on track?

Thanks for all your help in advance.


You can take the "Management and Nursing" exam right away.

Call and get approval so you can register.


Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Hi Patty! Welcome to the madness. :D I'd recommend reading through the EC info thread (https://allnurses.com/distance-learning-nursing/excelsior-college-info-385571.html) if you haven't already -- it might answer some questions you hadn't even come up with yet! :)

There are some study groups over on the YahooGroups, but for the most part (from what I've observed), people seem to either study on their own, or locally with a friend or coworker.

Personally, the way I stayed on track was to pay for and schedule my exam for about 3 to 4 weeks out, then study up to that "deadline." It worked well for me -- I was coming from more than a decade in a deadline-driven graphic design career, so that's how I function best. No deadline and I just study into oblivion! LOL

And just FYI, you don't have to actually enroll until you're ready to take the third nursing exam, and you can skip the second one (Essentials of Nursing Care: Health Differences) because you're an LPN. The sooner you enroll, the sooner you'll have to pay your student services annual fee of $440, due each year on the anniversary of your enrollment, so the longer you can delay enrollment, the better! No one told me this, so even though it took me just over a year to complete the program once I really got started, I had to pay that $440 fee one time. I called it my dumb@$$ tax. LOL

Good advice from Suesquatch and Lunah. Go back tha rough this forum to find answers to your current questions, and study ideas from all sorts of people from many backrounds. In addition to Lunah and Suesquatch, look for info posted by lpnmaura, ncgirl, bbfrn, txspadequeen, and a few others that are/were frequent posters about our EC experiences.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
You can take the "Management and Nursing" exam right away.

Call and get approval so you can register.


Isn't that an RN-BSN exam? I thought she was asking about the ADN program. I'm confused! LOL

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